
Страхование – не нагрузка, а инструмент защиты населения

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The sad statistics of accidents in places of mass stay of people, in elevators of high-rise buildings and on the roads shows that these particular areas of business remain one of the most problematic from the point of view of public safety.

According to the expert of the department of economics and analysis of NPP RK "Atameken" Bekzhan Otarbayev, insurance can become one of the tools for strengthening the responsibility of a business.

“In particular, we offer extensive use of imputed insurance tools. With such insurance, the requirement for an insurance policy and minimum conditions are established by industry-specific legislative acts, and other conditions and procedures for insurance are determined by agreement of the parties under an agreement between the insurance company and the client. Now the task of the National Palace of Entrepreneurs is to increase the interest of entrepreneurs and the trust of citizens in insurance services. Insurance is not a financial burden and a legal requirement. This is an effective financial tool to protect the interests of the population, business entities and the state, ”said Bekzhan Otarbayev, an expert of the Economics and Analysis Department of the NCE Atameken.

The complex of measures taken will allow not only to ensure responsibility, but also to reduce unforeseen business expenses, bankruptcy risks and other property losses.

However, in June 2018, a memorandum was signed to improve the elevator policy.

"The ALE" Union of Elevator service"is ready to ensure the safety of operation of elevators due to quality service by service companies - members of the self-regulatory organization (SRO). For these purposes, the Union and members of SROs, together with insurance companies, are working on the issue of liability insurance for service companies. In this situation, the elevator is an object of increased danger. Accordingly, to calculate the insurance, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of all elevators are necessary. For these purposes, it is proposed to certify all the elevators, ”cited the example of Bekzhan Otarbayev.

At facilities with a massive stay of people, Atameken, in conjunction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, proposes to introduce the owners' civil liability insurance.

“The legislation provides for the definition of an object with a massive stay of people. The laws on mandatory types of insurance provide for the amount of compensation for damage to property, life and health of injured persons, which can be used by analogy with imputed insurance. The owners of large shopping centers use voluntary insurance and are ready to share their practice in other areas, ”says Bekzhan Otarbayev.

In the field of passenger traffic today compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier to passengers is applied. In this situation, the Department of Economics and Analysis of NCE RK "Atameken" sees increased business responsibility through the introduction of digital technologies.

“Carriage of passengers by carriers without a compulsory carrier liability insurance contract is not allowed. The introduction of online insurance with the integration of vehicle databases and the Sergek video surveillance system will bring the number of uninsured carriers to zero, ”said Bekzhan Otarbayev.  

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