
Опыт электронной сертификации товаров намерены перенять белорусские коллеги

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On November 22, an official visit of a representative of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place in order to learn from NPA Atameken’s experience in electronic certification of the origin of goods.

In order to create a favorable environment for entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, the National Chamber has developed an electronic certification system.

Applications with a package of documents for obtaining a certificate of origin can be submitted by entrepreneurs in electronic form. Businessmen no longer need to personally come to the office of the Regional Chamber; it is enough to have a computer with Internet access and an electronic digital signature. The application is automatically registered in the electronic system, and the applicant has the opportunity to track the status of its execution.

The mandatory order of the electronic application submission format will come into force on April 1, 2019.

This format of work is designed to reduce the burden on business entities, to optimize the process of obtaining a certificate, to ensure its transparency and efficiency.

Today, the dynamics of the involvement of business entities in the process is obvious.

«“Since May, when it was announced the beginning of a pilot project in the electronic certification system, we are daily seeing an increase in the number of incoming electronic applications - it means that the entrepreneur is already feeling all the advantages of the new system. The National Chamber continues to work to reduce barriers for entrepreneurs. We have another number of products in line that will also find support among business entities, ”said Elmira Urazova, Deputy Director of the Processing Industry Department of the Scientific Production Enterprise RK Atameken.

Today, about 2000 applications have been filed through the electronic certification system. Moreover, the obligation on the electronic format of documents has not yet entered into force.


“The Government of the Republic of Belarus is interested in the procedure for issuing certificates of origin of goods of the National Chamber“ Atameken ”using the electronic system. Our Chamber highly appreciates the work you are doing to optimize the processes of issuing documents used in foreign economic activity, reducing the costs of exporters related to obtaining them, and is interested to learn from your positive experience in this direction, ”said the head of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Expertise Nikolai Zhukovsky.

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