
“Doing right things at the right time”- Alik Shpekbayev evaluated the work of Karaganda Center for Entrepreneurs Support

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As part of his working visit to the Karaganda region, the Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption Alik Shpekbayev visited the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and met with the business community.

The guest was introduced to the work of the Business Service Center, which has recently expanded the list of services provided and created an accessible electronic self-service platform on the principle of “one window”.

“Self-service zones are created both in the regional CSC and in the regional Entrepreneurship Support Centers. Businessmen can also order services remotely, via an online resource or the mobile application. Entrepreneurs have access to IT support, assistance in customs clearance of documents, marketing services, PPP, public procurement services, legal, accounting and tax services, ”said Ernar Kulpeisov, director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region.

Alik Shpekbayev was also presented the possibilities of the project “Personal Account of the Entrepreneur”. Having passed the simple registration process, businessmen can use useful and free services: download contract templates, get access to all procurement sites, check a partner for reliability, and get a whole range of non-financial services.

The Head of the State Public Awareness Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan positively assessed the conditions created by the Chamber at the Center for the provision of services to regional business.

“It is very good that you keep up with the times, introduce digital technologies, translate all services into an online format. It is important that you have development institutes and representatives of monopolistic companies in the Center for Operations Assistance. I think it is worthwhile to place as many consultants from monopolistic enterprises as possible here so that entrepreneurs receive all services centrally. Self-service zones are also convenient, businessmen will not wait in line, they can independently receive all necessary services, ”said Alik Shpekbayev.

During the visit, Alik Shpekbayev met with the Regional Business Council to discuss problematic issues.

Businessmen complained about the imperfection of the judicial system in terms of tax disputes and the lack of access to the Internet in remote areas. We paid attention to the need to pay damages to business in cases of incompetence or inaction of officials. One of the main issues raised by Karaganda residents is high electricity tariffs.

“Businessmen say that differentiating tariffs for the population at the expense of entrepreneurs is not entirely fair. The question of tariffs was raised by the Head of State at a meeting of the Security Council. Active work is underway to reduce utility tariffs. There are criminal cases against individual monopolists, some are already ready to reduce the cost of their services, ”said Alik Shpekbayev.

The head of the anti-corruption department assured that he would give instructions to his subordinates on all the problems voiced, an analysis would be carried out for each of the appeals and a corresponding decision would be made.

“I believe that the government should always be grateful that the business is actively working. After all, at the same time, the country's economy is developing, the well-being of the people as a whole is increasing, ”noted Shpekbayev.

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