
70% of issues solved – Atameken will continue to deregulate the business.

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How many business problems were identified and resolved by the National Palaty for 5 years on the dialogue platform to discuss the results of the project on the protection of business and investment "Protesting business and investments" Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NPP "Atameken", said.

“I would like to point out that we received a pretty good impulse. For all the time we have reviewed more than 25 thousand applications, of which 42% was decided. More than 131 billion tenge amounted to the amount of protected property rights, ”said Rustam Zhursunov on the dialogue platform..

He also noted that until 2017, there was an annual increase in complaints (in 2014 - 4,573, in 2015 - 5,314). In 2017, the number of requests decreased to 5 195, but at the same time their content changed.

Previously, complaints about land relations, taxes and purchases were in the forefront (in 2014 - 17% land, 10% taxes, 8% purchases; in 2015 - 20% land, 15% taxes, 10% - purchases; 2016 - 12% land, 14% taxes, 13% of purchases), then in 2017 there were more appeals on business disputes (20%) and administrative barriers (9%) (12% - land, 9% - taxes; 8% - purchases).

“At the initial stage, we wondered how to conduct public monitoring and determine whether this law is good or not. Therefore, we made the product a register of business problems, ”said Rustam Zhursunov.

For 5 years, the National Palatinate identified 604 problems, 425 (70%) of which were resolved, 50 - at the decision stage, 129 problems remain to be discussed with state bodies.

Today, the solution of systemic problems is carried out in various directions, including through the Road Maps, developed and implemented jointly with the General Prosecutor's Office and the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, as well as under the instructions of the Office of the Prime Minister in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy.

“The number of permissions, notifications and licenses has been reduced by 72%. If earlier there were about 1115, then today there are 315 left, which, according to our calculations, saves about 1.5 billion tenge per year. Plus a reduction in costs of 600 billion tenge in the aggregate, ”Zhursunov said.

In total, following the results of work in this area, the annual decrease in financial losses of a business is 4 billion tenge. The National Palace continues to reduce business requirements in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy. To date, 20 areas of control have been excluded from 114, 108 out of 540 control and supervisory functions of state bodies that are duplicated and not associated with risks. Also, 17,154 requirements for verification of business entities were reduced from 30,497, or by 58%. The inspection deadlines were also revised from 30 to 15 business days, and for unscheduled inspections from 30 to 10 business days. The result was a reduction in the number of checks themselves by 30%. Separately, Rustam Zhursunov focused on the issues of expertise. By the way, 24 thousand expert opinions were issued by the National Palaty.

“Indeed, quite serious work has been done. I want to say that this is not only the merit of the SPE, this is done jointly with our accredited organizations, of which we have more than 141. If we look at the dynamics, in 2015 the rate of satisfaction of business proposals was 30%, we managed to increase this percentage to 73%, ”said the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

A separate topic of the report was state control, or rather the change in its system. The focus should be on violators, not a bona fide business.

Отдельной темой доклада стал госконтроль, а точнее изменение его системы. В фокусе должны быть нарушители, а не добросовестный бизнес.
Проведенный в текущем году анализ НПП совместно с прокуратурой в 6 сферах  (налоговая, пожарка, СЭС, земля, труд, экология) выявил ряд недостатков. Это отсутствие реестра подконтрольных субъектов, анализа эффективности регулирования, стратегических целей и индикаторов контроля.

An analysis of the NPP together with the prosecutor's office in 6 areas (tax, fire, SES, land, labor, ecology) revealed a number of shortcomings. This is the lack of a registry of controlled entities, analysis of the effectiveness of regulation, strategic goals and control indicators.

“More specifically, out of the established 30 criteria, labor inspectorates use only 4, and 63% of inspections of these inspections (249 out of 397) are post factum. 81% of inspections (669 out of 826) were conducted for environmental control bodies for late submission of reports, although in this area this is a minor violation. As for complaints on taxes, this year the coefficient in favor of entrepreneurship was almost 30%, in 2016 this indicator was 12%, ”Rustam Zhursunov said.

On customs issues, 37% of decisions were made in favor of business. In general, the number of complaints themselves decreased by almost 3 times, which indicates the quality of the audit. The arguments of the business were heard, the speaker summed up.

If you look at it, these are cleaning services, plastering, advertising, maintenance of motor vehicles, it is SME that works in these niches. What is the state for? All this needs to be outsourced, ”he said.

Rustam Zhursunov cited as an example the experience of the Astana akimat, who abandoned his own motor transport and took a taxi, which led to a reduction in expenditures of 200 million tenge per year. This suggests that today it is necessary to change the rules of the game and apply the so-called “guillotine” principle, which has successfully recommended itself in the process of reducing permitting documents and control and supervisory functions.

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