
Ministry of Justice proposed improvements to legislative process.

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The initiative will allow the maximum involvement of business and the public in the discussion and development of draft laws.

In particular, the Ministry of Justice proposes:

1. Apply a regulatory impact analysis (RIA) procedure not only in the business environment, but also in relation to any new government regulation.

2. To exclude the formal approach to the content of the principles of laws. State bodies will be required to provide in the laws for their detailed disclosure.

3. To approve the plan of revision of all legislation to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the MNE of the Republic of Kazakhstan within 5 years. Amendments to the current legislation will be possible only as a result of such a review.

4. Improvement of individual platforms for discussing draft laws with the public (public councils, the Open NPA portal, ARV, expert councils).

5. Use the “Green and White Book” before submitting the bill to the Parliament. The green book is issued so that government agencies can collect feedback and suggestions on the policy being pursued.

Afterwards, the “White Book” is published, which contains statements about the Government’s chosen policy in a particular area.

6. To prohibit state agencies to introduce new regulation without reducing the current one (the principle “one came in - one came out).

7. To provide for the postponement of the introduction of the new law in the event that the regulatory entities need time to prepare for compliance with the new requirements. A similar rule is present in the legislation since January 2006.

8. Mandatory public discussion of all concepts of draft laws with mandatory informing the general public about the beginning of the discussion.

9. A clear distinction between the concepts of “clarification” and “interpretation”.

10. Introduction of the E-legislation system. It will distribute legislation by industry for analysis, regardless of the level of the act (legislative, sub-legal). The system will create an array of information around the formed industries, including citizens' appeals, statistical and other data, judicial practice, scientific literature, and so on.

If there are proposals for this concept, entrepreneurs can contact: 8 (7172) 91 93 55,

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