
I’m sure that the parade of good deeds will become a necessity for the soul of every entrepreneur – Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov

- Aktobe Region
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The action «Әр ауылға – бір қамқоршы» started from the Aktobe region.

The mechanisms for encouraging and introducing the traditions of patronage of philanthropy and charity were discussed today during the regional forum “Aul - ate besigi” in the Aktobe region. It was attended by Akim of the Aktyubinsk region Berdybek Saparbayev, a veteran of Kazakhstani sports, and now a successful entrepreneur Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov, executive director of the public association “Menin Atamekenim” Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva and businessmen of the region.

For businessmen, it becomes obvious that the company's success in the market largely depends on the volume of its investments in the social sphere, Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov noted. As a true patriot, he declared that it was the duty of every person to help his fellow countrymen to participate in the development of his native land, and he called on patrons to take part in a good deed.

“Today the moment has come when business is moving from simple charity to focused social investments. It is gratifying that such actions continue to develop, the circle of businessmen who want to do good for their fellow countrymen is becoming wider. I am sure that the parade of good deeds will become the need of the soul of every entrepreneur, patriot of his native land. A vivid example for us is the good work of Aktobe entrepreneur Samat Kaldygulov, who allocated funds and built a House of Culture in the village of Amangeldy and landscaped a rest park, ”said Zhaksylyk Ushkempir.

The social project "ғр ауылға - бір қамқоршы" is aimed at attracting private investment in the villages. It is implemented by the public association "Menin Atamekenim" and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". The project involves the creation of a map of social problems at the first stage, which will include all the information about the needs of Kazakhstanis living in rural areas. A pilot country screening project was conducted in the Aktobe region.

“Today there is no information available in which regions of the country auls need business support most of all. But such settlements are everywhere. Now we set the task together with local executive bodies to analyze and screen all villages, settlements and regional centers of Kazakhstan, the results of which will allow creating a detailed map of social problems. The map will reflect all the growth points of the agrarian, manufacturing, and other sectors of the region, as well as the needs for them. We will be able to see which projects need to be created and maintained at the expense of the republican budget, which through commercial banks, and which at the expense of regional resources and business, ”said Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva, executive director of the public association Menya Atamekenim.

She also noted that the analysis and screening of villages and settlements will not only identify the pressing problems inherent in remote settlements, but also orient the patrons of the arts, show them what kind of business will pay off in a particular area.

The second stage of the project is the creation of an online platform of the registry of patrons of art in the regional context. A list of package solutions will also be generated; it will include areas that require material support.

In order to interest patrons, the organizers of the project intend to introduce certain economic incentives. For large projects, tax preferences, subsidies, a PPP system will be provided.

Thus, Atameken intends to form a culture of charity in Kazakhstan.

Samat Kaldygulov never forgets about his small homeland - the village of Amangeldy of the Karabulak rural district of the Alginsky district of the Aktobe region. As the general director of a rural consumer complex, he knows firsthand about the needs of his native villagers. He allocated 118 million tenge for the construction of the House of Culture, within which the forum was held. The director of the plant also planned to finance the construction of a sports ground in his native village.

In turn, regional akim Berdibek Saparbayev cited as an example the charitable activities of a prominent businessman, the chairman of the regional Council of Entrepreneurs of the Aktobe region, the director of the Altyn Kyran group of companies, the deputy chairman of the ANK RK Islambek Salzhanov. The philanthropist sponsored the construction of a new regional museum of local history in Aktobe. And in his native Khobdinsky district, the entrepreneur built a modern pre-school institution for 320 children, which he then transferred to the balance of local authorities.

Note that since the beginning of this year several large-scale projects to support the village have been implemented in the Aktobe region. Thus, within the framework of the project “Auyl Kamkorshysy” businessmen have already provided assistance in the amount of 1.7 billion tenge. For example, director of Aktep LLP Nurlan Sagnalin allocated 40 million tenge for improvement of 19 yards, installation of 40 playgrounds and lighting of two streets in Alga. The head of the PC "Nectar" Shamil Kaspranov carried out a major overhaul of the building of the medical ambulance station in the village of Tamdy for the amount of 31 million tenge, 13 million tenge allocated for the improvement of the memorial complex of Eset Batyr, the director of the Paris Commune XXI LLP. 90 million tenge for the material and technical equipment of the school, the construction of a sports and playground in the village of Araltobe was sent by the founder of the charity foundation “Zhakiya” Zhanbolat Sarsenov.

In addition, with the participation of patriotic compatriots, by the end of this year, 786 projects for more than 3 billion tenge will be implemented in the oblast within the framework of the action “Tugan zherge taғzym”, of which 666 projects worth over 2 billion tenge have already been implemented. In particular, new social facilities were built, roads and bridges were repaired, settlements were improved, the material and technical base of educational facilities was strengthened, and charity events were held. 

With regard to the project «Әр ауылға – бір қамқоршы», in 2019, with the support of 323 entrepreneurs in 218 localities, another 322 projects worth more than 2 billion tenge will be implemented.

“Let the need to create good in our society become the norm in confronting negative manifestations and threats, which in our time are not uncommon in the world. Let these good deeds become a model of sincere generosity and nobility, an example to follow and continue in the name of a common goal - the further prosperity of our beloved Motherland, ”businessman Shamil Kaspranov addressed to the assembled.

Following the results of the forum, the signing of memorandums on the implementation of socially important facilities in the villages of 12 districts of Aktobe region and Aktobe took place.

In particular, philanthropists committed themselves to finance the construction of a school for 60 places in the village of Karakemer in the Khobdinsky district, an indoor sports complex in the village of Karautak of the Aitekebi district, a medical clinic in the village of Khazret of the Martuk district, the Palace of Youth in Shalkar, etc. The total amount of signed memorandums is 524 million tenge.

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