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Atameken solemnly handed over the Supreme Court judges the certificates of completion of a series of seminars on customs regulation.

The courses lasted 2.5 months, the participants reviewed the most disputed and controversy cases and current issues of customs regulation during the theoretical studies. In particular, there were the discussions on the issues of customs value, classification of goods in accordance with the Nomenclature of Goods for Foreign Trade, non-tariff regulation, a desk and on-site audits and etc.

This training is one component of the implementation of the Road Map.

“It is a great honor for us to see the tangible results of our joint work. As part of the implementation of the Road Map, we held seminars on taxation and customs administration. Since October 15, our colleagues have been teaching the judges of the Supreme Court the theory and practical skills. The National Chamber is grateful to the judiciary for their active participation. This year, “Atameken” is ready to teach the courses for specialized regional courts,” Rustam Zhursunov, deputy chairman of the board of NCE“ Atameken” said.

Dynamically changing legislation, including the operation of the new Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union and a number of regulations in the field of customs regulation, requires improved knowledge and skills.

The Chairman of the specialized judicial panel of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aygul Kydyrbaeva noted that the judges should constantly evolve and go forward in terms of the theory.

“I would like to thank and express my gratitude to you. I would also like to commend the dedication of the lecturers. They used very interesting practical materials and materials of judicial practice. It should be noted that we revised many cases in practice. There were cases where we focused attention of the State Revenue Committee on certain issues,” she said.

In turn, the Supreme Court judges noted that the seminars on transfer pricing and competition law would be useful for them.

This year, the seminars on customs administration will be held for regional specialized courts of Kazakhstan.

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