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Chairman of Board of the Atameken NCE Ablay Myrzakhmetov suggested to train farmers to use land resources efficiently at the round table in the Mazhilis.

As is known, the Ministry of Agriculture announced its intention to use space monitoring of agricultural lands. The Ministry will use satellite images as a basis for the further withdrawal of irrationally used lands.

However, according to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the images cannot guarantee a reliable picture; therefore they cannot be the only criterion for withdrawal.

“We are not against satellite imagery. We wish the information would be reliable and freely available. After all, if there are any inaccuracies in the pictures, then this can lead to legal proceedings and this is the fate of people. In this matter it is necessary to use the most advanced international experience. Let's test satellite imagery in pilot mode in one of the districts,  then draw conclusions and come to a consensus,” Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

Experience has shown that some farmers do not use lands, or use them inefficiently. According to Ablay Myrzakhmetov, it is necessary to train farmers to solve this issue.

“Atameken is ready to train farmers at the Competence Centers, we can start this work ... If a farmer wants to increase his efficiency, increase productivity, then we must help him. But if the farmer continues to use the land inefficiently, then it is worth raising the issue of such sanction as withdrawal of land,” he said.

The issue of selling the right to lease land to third parties was raised at the meeting. According to the chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE, there are risks of speculation in this sphere and the unscrupulous land users may avoid responsibility for inefficient use and sell the lands to affiliated persons.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed the need to improve tax policy in agriculture.

The Atameken supports the consolidation of all types of taxes into a single agricultural tax. Atameken offers the tax rate for one hectare, based on land productivity, taking into account its type, credit quality, irrigation and proximity to settlements.

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