
Atameken held the first meeting of  project office of Economy of simple things

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The first meeting of the Project office of the Economy of simple things was held on the Atameken platform.

The event was chaired by Chairman of the Board of  the Atameken NCE Ablay Myrzakhmetov  and the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar. The representatives of regional project offices have participated in the meeting via video conferencing.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov stated the need to thoroughly inform entrepreneurs about the conditions for participation in the program of preferential loans for priority projects.

 “The key issue is the involvement of  business. The Atameken has already begun work on explaining the program, discussing loan rates and subsidy conditions in the regions. Such work is being conducted on the instructions of Elbasy, it is now extremely important to motivate business, and the companies should take proactive approach,” Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

According to minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar, it is important in the implementation of the program to exclude any bureaucracy.

“Ministry together with the Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute JSC developed Roadmaps for the production of light industry goods, furniture industry and building materials. Work is underway to create a Map of engineering. In order to eliminate any misunderstanding among akimats and participants, I propose to eliminate all barriers and resolve controversial issues in the project office. To do this, we will weekly meet with business representatives and directly discuss all the issues on the agenda,”  Roman Sklyar said.

According to the representatives of regions, the entrepreneurs are already showing interest in the Program. So, 24 enterprises working in the field of agriculture, tourism, light industry and furniture industry have applied for participation in the East Kazakhstan region, 2 projects have already been at the stage of approval in the bank. The project office of Shymkent has received 39 applications from enterprises totaling 39 billion tenge. 26 of applicatnts are at the stage of project development, 4 projects are under consideration in banks, 4 projects are at the stage of developing a business plan. Remind that, project offices with the participation of representatives of akimats, banks, Damu branches, and the business community are working at the branches of the Atameken NCE RK in the regions.

An important step in the work of the Project Office will be a survey of potential participants, which will help to identify companies that have been rejected by banks and learn about key issues in the industry.

 “Every Friday we will bring together information and discuss them with business. It is possible that we will be able to provide support measures to enterprises within the framework of existing programs. We visited the regions with a working trip to meet with businessmen. The business has a desire to grow, expand, but the issues of collateral for second-tier banks are still problematic. Businessmen from the regions have a good opportunity to manually accompany their project until they are fully implemented,” chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute JSC Dana Zhunusova said.

Businessmen can contact the project offices at the regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs to learn about the program and get the necessary advice.

Remind that this year, on the instructions of Elbasy the Government of Kazakhstan has allocated 600 billion tenge to support the production of consumer goods, as well as raw materials and primary products. In particular, the funds will be spent on the development and support of the manufacturing industry, the agro-industrial complex.

It should be noted that the Program will support the production of finished products and development of the necessary raw materials and primary products.

Currently, 9 second-tier banks have joined the Program. In order to receive financing, an entrepreneur must send an application to the bank, undergo the necessary assessment and approval procedure and address the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

Presentation: The mechanism and terms of lending at 600 billion tenge (the economy of simple things)

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