
Three national institutions to merge into Kazakhstani Industry and Export Center

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The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made a strategic decision in the autumn of 2018 to unite three national institutions: Kazakhstan Institute for the Development of Industry (KIDI), the National Agency for Technological Development and the National Agency for the Development of Local Content (NADLoC) into a single industrial development center as part of the implementation of the instructions of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy on an effective industrial policy aimed at developing the Economy of Simple Things program and export-oriented industrialization.

 “The reorganization process was launched in November 2018. First of all, the Government set the task of creating a compact and efficient organization capable of forming a coordinated industrial policy. The second is the creation of convenience for business by consolidating in one place non-returnable financial instruments of state support throughout the chain: from production to export. And, thirdly, it is the creation of a strong analytical center, a certain “think-tank” in the field of industrial and innovation policy, capable of generating applied solutions to the emerging challenges,” Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Roman Sklyar said.

For 5 months of work, the total number of KIDI staff decreased by 27 per cent, the number of structural units and middle managers - by 35 per cent, top managers - by 30 per cent.

At the same time, the institute retained all the original functions of the three organizations and multiplied them. We are talking about new functions transferred by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December last year to promote non-oil exports in terms of reimbursement of transportation costs to exporters and analytics in terms of developing optimal logistics routes for exports.

“According to the Civil Code, the reorganization of institutions requires compliance with complicated and lengthy procedures. A lot of work has been done since November, we expect that in April 2019 all the remaining legal procedures for merging national institutions will be completed, after which the organization will be given a new name - Kazakhstani Industry and Export Center,” the chairman of the Board of KIDI JSC Dana Zhunusova said.

State support is consolidated

The irrevocable financial measures of state support will be provided through the Kazakhstani Industry and Export Center. These are tools aimed at supporting enterprises in the full-cycle manufacturing industry, that is, production, logistics, and export.

The center on an ongoing basis considers appeals from entrepreneurs to reimburse part of the cost of increasing productivity. In addition, all the necessary conditions have already been created for accepting applications from the domestic business for the provision of innovative grants and a new instrument for reimbursement of transportation costs to exporters.

Also, KIDI JSC reanimated one of the most demanded state support measures - reimbursement of part of the costs to domestic producers for the implementation of quality management systems in accordance with international standards (ISO, API, ASTM, etc.).

 “The concentration of tools in one organization greatly simplifies their accessibility for entrepreneurs. Now they do not need to go to different institutions and spend time searching for information. It is also convenient for us, it will be easier to monitor the effectiveness of these measures and collect operational information for analytics,” Dana Zhunusova said.

By the way, entrepreneurs can get the necessary information about support tools if they call 8 (7172) 983-786.

Research format is restarted

After the reorganization, all analytical work and the results of the research conducted by the organization of the Center are aimed at developing solutions.

“Previously, each organization had its so-called “analytical headquarters”. But, in fact, they all have the same stakeholders - enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, we reformatted the goal setting of our research to make them more practical. They will reflect the instructions of Elbasy and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will be aimed at realizing the potential of production up the value chain and improving the manufacturability of products, ” Dana Zhunusova said.

“The Kazakhstani Industry and Export Center will continue the chosen course of development, focused on the effective support of industrial enterprises, high-quality analytical work and the development of applied solutions,” Roman Sklyar said.

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