
Atameken experts discuss issues of interaction with shippers

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The experts of Subcommittee on transport logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of Atameken NCE RK have discussed the priorities and development of transport logistics in Kazakhstan.

The key task of the transport industry is to increase the freight traffic. Thus, according to deputy chairman of the Board for Logistics of NC KTZ JSC Pavel Sokolov, in the period of 2017- 2019, the company’s indicators show growth in terms of traffic volumes, the share of transit traffic makes 33% of the total revenue of NC KTZ JSC.

“Transit is something that you cannot do alone. We should not forget that we should cooperate with our neighbors (neighboring countries – editor’s note),” Pavel Sokolov said.

He noted that currently NC KTZ JSC is working to improve logistics and work with clients, introduce technologies and attract investments, which will allow a comprehensive approach to the development of transit in Kazakhstan.

General Director of Kaztemirtrans JSC Dauren Bimov noted that Kaztemirtrans is ready to consider a different tariff schedule in addition to the standard pricing.

During the meeting, the experts considered a new business model of JSC KTZ-Express, which will allow the company to become a 3PL provider. The model includes three units: sales, logistics and operational unit.

“The new business model is focused on working with customers on demand, which will reduce logistics costs. It is also planned to launch a personal account, where each carrier will be able to see how many containers were transported and ordered, as well as coordinate their financial activities,” Manarbek Tulegenov, Deputy General Director of KTZ-Express JSC said.

The meeting participants also heard information about the work and future opportunities of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route.

“Our goal as an association is to attract transit and foreign trade cargoes to the Trans-Caspian international transport route. I would like to note that in 2018 export shipments to the Turkish grain cargo market were established, the number of shipped containers was 1,800 units to TEU against 243 units in 2017. At the same time I would like to note that in the opposite direction the service is also established. The volume of containers amounted to about 1,500 units,” Rakhmetolla Kudaibergenov, secretary general of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, the International Association, said.  

He also added that it is important to increase traffic volumes to promote export to the foreign markets of Kazakhstan coal and grain cargoes using the route infrastructure. It is planned to increase export transportation by the Trans-Caspian route from Kazakhstan to 0.8 million tons, including grain cargo in the amount of 150 thousand tons, coal - 150 thousand tons, oil products - 300 thousand tons and sulfur – 150 in 2019. In general, the traffic plan of Trans-Caspian International Transport Route for 2019 is 1.9 million tons, including 60 thousand TEU.

In turn, the business community made a number of proposals. The entrepreneurs supported the approach of KTZ in terms of the development of an open market for transportation of goods and offered to consider the possibility of creating independent container services in the direction of Central Asia by private companies.

In particular, the business is interested in the decision to return empty cars to China, as well as changed tariffs for new volumes.

“It is difficult to mark the price corridor, since several factors affect the tariff policy. First, we work exclusively with shippers or a nominated forwarder. Such factors as the region (deficient or surplus), seasonality, the presence of ring routes in regions are taken into account. We will try to ensure that the level of discounts is sufficient,” Dauren Bimov, General Director of KTT JSC, said.

He also added that KTT JSC is actively working on the issue of empty cars heading to China. The Kazakh side is considering options for the deployment of Kazakhstan cars in several Chinese provinces and Russia.

According to exporters, another problem is the expansion of sales markets, namely the high cost of logistics.

“It’s nonsense; I ship wagons from Scharbakty to Urtaaul. It takes the car five days to reach Nur-Sultan from Shcharbakty, a distance of 600 km. It takes three days to reach Urtaaul, which is in Uzbekistan, from Nur-Sultan,” Kanat Kobesov, General Director of NurlyZholTrade LLP, said.

In turn, the chairman of the Scientific Expert Council of the Research Institute of Transport and Communications Eduard Kaplan focused on the need to develop a Transport Strategy until 2030.

“We have been talking about transit for 30 years, but in addition there is an equally important task - strengthening the export and import potential of the country, internal logistics. Transport also exists to ensure the Kazakh economy. We need a long-term transport strategy,” Eduard Kaplan said.

The speaker added that the industry has been operating for 9 years without a key document, which should answer many questions of the industry.

“Atameken Services platform has been created for entrepreneurs, where entrepreneurs can get an extensive list of services online. I think that if there is interest, we can duplicate the services of KTZ so that carriers, business can get services on our site,” deputy chairman of the Board of Atameken NCE RK Yevgeniy Bolgert said.

At the end of the event, Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, international association, signed an Agreement of mutual understanding and cooperation. Under the Agreement, the parties will promote the expansion of trade and economic cooperation in the Trans-Caspian region, the development of cargo transportation along the Trans-Caspian international transport route in the direction from China / Central Asia / Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey-Ukraine-European Union countries, as well as in the opposite direction. The agreement contributes to the simplification of cross-border documentation and border crossing procedures for the transport of goods in international transport, improvement of multimodal transport and logistics operations, international railway, sea, multimodal transport, as well as improvement of customs and other administrative procedures at border crossings.



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