
Atameken offers to ensure quality and relevance of education and learning

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Deputy chairman of the Board of Atameken NCE RK Olzhas Ordabayev spoke about the need to create a separate organization during a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the speaker, constant interaction between the education system and employers is necessary to flood the labor market with qualified personnel. It was decided to make a Project Office for vocational education development a platform of such interaction.

Within this project office, the following five issues will be solved: organization of dual training (on-the-job training); transfer of colleges to trust management; efficient allocation of scholarships; organization of short-term training in the enterprise; and organization of the national qualification system.

During the joint work of the Government, Atameken NCE RK and the Ministry of Education and Science RK agreed to transfer state colleges to the trust management of the relevant business.

 “In many colleges work with employers is poorly carried out, the base is used inefficiently, the training programs remain irrelevant. These problems can be solved by transferring state educational institutions to trust management. The Project Office will accompany each employer to solve these issues, we will work out transfer mechanisms and criteria for employers,” Olzhas Orbadayev said.

Each of the above areas requires detailed study. The introduction of the dual education, which requires more than 60% of studies to be conducted at the enterprise, has not yet become widespread. The reason is the high cost of the enterprise when conducting apprentices.

“The dual system of training shows 85% of employment. The classic education shows only 53%. In order to scale up dual training, it is necessary to give business a measure of economic incentives. These measures are now being introduced by the Ministry of Education in the methodology of per capita financing. At the project office, it is necessary to monitor compliance with the regulations in each region,” Olzhas Ordabayev said.

According to him, Atameken together with the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan will conduct an analysis of staffing needs this year. In addition, the Chamber will hold a ranking of colleges next year. Thus, scholarships will be allocated to the most demanded professions and the most effective colleges.

According to Olzhas Ordabayev, the state needs to move away from the support of all colleges and allow them to compete.

Atameken proposes to make the National Qualification System to the Project Office. 37 sectoral qualifications and 95 professional standards have been approved, but they do not cover all industries.

“To strengthen the work in this direction, it is necessary to create a single authorized agency. Such an agency has been created in many states. In Turkey, MYK is fully responsible for developing qualifications frameworks, professional standards, accreditation of certification centers, etc.,” Olzhas Ordabayev said.

In turn, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin supported the initiative of Atameken NCE RK and instructed to create a Project Office.

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