
Atameken experts discuss creation of entrepreneurial education ecosystem 

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The Committee for Human Capital Development and Social Policy of the Presidium of the Atameken NCE RK discussed issues of training entrepreneurship and personnel the business needs.

The National Chamber of Commerce has been raising the issue of a comprehensive approach to business education for many years. Thus, starting from 2019, a new elective subject Business Basics for 10-11 grades will be taught in all schools of Kazakhstan.

"We see that entrepreneurship education is becoming increasingly popular. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs started with schoolchildren, and now we want to teach children a basis. We have written a textbook on the subject of Entrepreneurship Fundamentals for schoolchildren; it is easy and now it is possible to adapt it and make it available to students. We plan to teach 100,000 students," Olzhas Ordabaev, deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK, said.

It is planned to create Atameken Space, where students will be able to discuss their ideas, relax and, most importantly, consult with HR specialists and learn writing a resume, and how to present themselves at an interview.

Besides, Atameken Services is developing a project called Atameken Academy, which will collect business training and assignments, as well as the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the materials on Business Basics.

Talgat Doskenov, chairman of the Committee, noted that Atameken and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan are actively involved in the project to attract business coaches for training the subject Business Basics for teachers. Adding that in 2017 the Kazakh Association of Entrepreneurship Education was established on the basis of the National Chamber, which introduces into the educational process of universities entrepreneurial education.

 "Universities should develop on three levels. These are entrepreneurial universities, lecturer-entrepreneur, student-entrepreneur.  We have potential on the first level, and it is necessary to work on the second and third levels. In other words, we need a class of teachers who know the basics of entrepreneurship and will be able to teach the skills for students. Our goal is to teach entrepreneurship for school and university graduates so that young people can realize their potential in this direction," Almagul Kanagatova, chairman of the association and rector of AlmaU University, said.

According to the Association and representatives of education, such educational institutions set the benchmark for the quality of education, produce highly qualified specialists and create a competitive environment.

In addition, since 2019, BTS Digital has been working in Kazakhstan to create the Atlas of New Professions. Its necessity is related to the introduction of new technologies and automated systems that will replace many professions in the labor market.

"Soon, people will no longer be able to do without one university degree and one profession. It will be necessary to master related professions, develop multitasking and skills, which include several skills and personal qualities of a specialist. These include systemic thinking, ability to communicate across sectors and manage processes, projects, and programming of IT solutions," Olzhas Sakenov, BTSn Digital's educational project manager, said.

Also during the meeting, the experts considered approaches to the formation and development of the national infrastructure of the market of innovative educational services on the TRIZ system.

Summing up, Talgat Doskenov emphasized the need to develop entrepreneurial universities.

"Not all universities are ready to form new competencies relevant for the market and business, and state support remains low. The Committee sets the task of making education and practice inseparable processes. Unfortunately, entrepreneurship is not yet recognized as an independent area of the professional activity of people and a way to ensure their professional employment. For this reason, there are no professional standards for entrepreneurship. Therefore, we jointly need to create an ecosystem for the development of entrepreneurship education in the country," he said.

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