
Conditions for importing goods from the sanctions lists of Russia changed

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On July 1, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which the conditions of transportation of goods included in the sanctions list have changed, Atameken reports.

In particular, the new document allows for the transit shipments of sanctioned goods through Russia on the condition that these goods are "subject to ensuring their traceability by using a control system based on GLONASS technology". It is also required that such goods must be sealed, and the drivers involved in the transit of this cargo must have the appropriate registration coupons.

The procedure for transit international road and rail transportation of goods, which are subject to sanctions in Russia, as well as checkpoints, will be determined by a separate decision of the Government of the Russian Federation (paragraph 4 of the Decree).

Despite the fact that the Decree came into force on July 1, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation has not yet published a decision regulating the new procedure for import of sanctioned goods. In this regard, the Chamber asks entrepreneurs to take necessary measures to prevent possible restrictions on the supply of goods to Kazakhstan through the territory of Russia, before the official publication of the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Also, we draw attention to the fact that as soon as the document defining the new requirements for transportation will be officially published in the Russian Federation, the website of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs will provide official explanations on the procedure for the transit transportation of goods in Russia.

In case of problems or restrictions when importing goods to Kazakhstan through the territory of Russia, please call the Department of Economic Integration of the Atameken NCE RK: 8-(7172) - 91-93-73.


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