
 Businessmen advice participants of Zhas Kasipker  project

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The participants of the Zhas Kasipker  project have learned about the peculiarities of entrepreneurial thinking and how it is possible to have seven businesses and have spare time.

The BASTA meeting was held in Nur-Sultan. This time the participants got acquainted with the famous guests and tried to think as businessmen. This weekend the speakers were the deputy of the Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meruert Kazbekova, the co-founder of Method Coding School, the teacher of IT of the Higher School of Economics Dagar Davletov, the general director of KDL Olympus Yerlan Suleimenov, the founder of Miraskin Shop Miras Imanmadirov.

Meruert Kazbekova told her story and advised the youth.

"You will fall, go bankrupt and cry many times, but if you have a dream, you will always find your way. Today young people have enormous opportunities. The state invests a lot of money in programmes to enable young people to start their businesses and realize themselves," Meruert Kazbekova said.


 General Director of KDL Olympus Erlan Suleimenov

"I'm a businessman, just like you. In 1998 I became an individual entrepreneur. In September I registered and became a “cool” businessman. The next day I had to submit a report to the Tax Committee, but I did not have any time to work and I thought that I would do it next month. Next month I came to the Tax Committee and immediately got a fine for three days overdue. And the first thing I understand is that you can't joke with the Tax Committee," Erlan Suleimenov said.

He wanted to become a cardiologist, but his entire group was transferred to general practitioners. As Yerlan Suleimenov notes, today it is cool and necessary to be a family doctor, but at that moment he did not understand what to do.

Then the young man saw an interesting apparatus at the St. Petersburg doctor. The device recorded a cardiogram of the heart, it was necessary to wear a small box exactly 24 hours.

"I saw that there was no such thing in the market of Kazakhstan. I bought a device and started doing business. I was like swimming in the "blue ocean", you study and know that this is a free market. Accordingly, I got the most of the profit part and began to develop," Yerlan Suleimenov said.

As of today, Yerlan has 7 enterprises, three of which are 100% owned by him. According to the businessman, it is always necessary to look for innovations and use new technologies in this business.

"We are standing on a flat road with innovations on it. We try not to miss them and we should do our best," the entrepreneur advised.      

" I would ask you the following. How long will you live in this world? Did anybody ask themselves such a question? The second question is, how long will your business last? Here you are opening your company, you asked yourself how long it would last. It is important to understand how many businesses you are planning. Will you replicate it? Life is short, you have to do everything to expand so that you can be safely satisfied with the profit. You can't take the money with you, when you die but you need to have fun," the businessman said.

How should an employee work? He should do it efficiently and effectively. What do you have to do to be effective? Yerlan Suleimenov posed these questions to the audience. The entrepreneur himself uses a simple method that allows him to determine very precisely the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"The situation - a person dies, everyone can find themselves in such a situation. The result is that the person is alive or dead. We need a positive result. In order to do this, you need to do two things: to make a continuous massage of the heart at the right depth, and do breathing exercises to ensure that oxygen enters the brain. So, if every employee performs these activities correctly, the person will live. The same thing is in business. You have to take effective steps to make the company live," Yerlan said.

According to the entrepreneur, the first thing that interests any businessman is profit.

"Do not hesitate to make prices higher, it is difficult to raise the cost. If you have the opportunity to increase your income, increase it. The entrepreneur has a goal - to run. You can do it intermittently, distract yourself from your family, but keep running. Today, everybody understands that there are few of us in Kazakhstan, and the market is small. Guys like you are trying to take your share of the market and you have to run to do business," the businessman said.


Co-founder of Method Coding School, a lecturer at IT Higher School of Economics Dagar Davletov.

"I really like the phrase of Bill Gates: a hundred dollars won't fly between the sofa and the ass. Entrepreneurs by default is people who do something and think outside the box. I'll tell you some stories," Dagar said.

One candidate is one apartment. This is a guarantee that you will come back. The young man heard such words in the Bolashak office, where the tenth-grader came to get his scholarship. In the office, the young man said that the lack of an apartment did not give grounds for refusing a scholarship.

"At the time, I had already entered four American universities and was going to study in America. I asked for an exception. I was told to write an application," the entrepreneur said.

According to Dagar Davletov, no one believed in the success of the venture, but a week later the young man was called back and told that his request was considered and he got a scholarship. Thus, one apartment in Aktobe paid for the study of two brothers Davletovs at once. And this is not about business, but about entrepreneurial thinking.

"The story is, when you get up and do it, even if you fail, you tried it. In America, there was a cultural shock, campus, internet with 100 Mbit per second. In Aktobe, I had 128 Kbit of joy, I stuffed the entire hard drive with movies and music, I didn't realize then that you can just watch movies online," Dagar Davletov said.

Also, no one told the guy what a credit system is and how it works. But the goal was the same - to gain an average score of 4.0 because being an excellent student is very cool! In the first semester, Dagar failed psychology.

"In general, it was stupid to take psychology at once, because it was a complex subject in terms of terminology. After the first exam, I got a D. To raise the mark, I participated in all psychological experiments. I was experimented on, and for that, I got extra points. When I got the B+, I realized that my maximum was 3.96 and I had to do something else. And I started working. I started to sell iPhones, then loaded containers of cars and sent them to Kazakhstan. So I had 3,000-4,000 dollars, plus a good scholarship. Remember, if something bad happened, turn it in a good direction. Being an entrepreneur is to have a different way of thinking. It's already happened, so I can do it further, and after that, you start pulling out the pros" - the entrepreneur said.

After learning the subtleties of American life, Dagar and a friend who studied in Germany decided to start a business. Since food delivery in America and Europe is developed very well, the promising entrepreneurs spent 4 months on creating a website and food delivery application.

"We've invested all our money in this project. We came to the restaurants, so we have a cool app, and you will be taking orders. We were just told that they do not have the Internet," Dagar Davletov said.

According to Dagar, this is a typical mistake of novice entrepreneurs. They create a business and only then try to interest what their clients need. The business brought 2-2.5 million tenge per month and did not grow at all. Then the guys decided to teach people what they know well. That's how Method School appeared. The school has grown from one classroom, and later the guys began to help the students to pass internships in the Kazakhstani companies.

According to Dagar Davletov, he doesn't know what talents he has. Because once you start doing business, you become an accountant, a salesman, a teacher and learn more than one profession. The main thing is to remember that there are a lot of cases, and taking into account their mistakes, the novice businessmen can create a good product.

Remind that the platform for the participants of the Zhas Kasipker project will work every weekend, also BASTA will be launched in all regions of Kazakhstan.

Zhas Kasipker is a project on teaching young people the basics of entrepreneurship. The purpose of this project is the development of the entrepreneurial potential of young people by teaching skills to create their own businesses to reduce unemployment. Participation in the project will allow young people to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, find their niche, open their own business and get the starting capital in the form of the grant of 200 MCI (505 thousand tenge) or preferential credit.

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