
New types of support for women's entrepreneurship should be developed in Kazakhstan – Timur Kulibayev

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Nur-Sultan hosted the V Anniversary Congress of the Business Women's Council of the Atameken NCE RK.

Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium, to the Congress delegates, said that over the past five years the Council has managed to consolidate the potential of businesswomen in all regions of the country. Some productive business initiatives have been implemented.
Halyk Bank and its head, Umut Shayakhmetova, were the first to take the initiative in providing preferential loans for women's entrepreneurship at 5-7%. A total of 3 billion tenge has been allocated, thanks to which more than 340 business projects have been implemented. Timur Kulibayev expressed confidence that this initiative will be further supported by business.

"It is equally important to develop a mechanism in the activities of second-tier banks and microfinance organizations, which will allow taking into account the views of regional Business Women's Councils when providing financial resources for the implementation of business ideas. The Councils should be the competent expert community in the development and promotion of women's entrepreneurship," Timur Kulibayev said in his address speech.

One of the Council's tasks is to train and raise the competence of female entrepreneurs.

 "It is necessary to develop a special training programme on women's entrepreneurship and issue a special training manual - "100 ideas for women's business". This will be a great help for those who are just planning to start their own business, but do not have enough experience and knowledge," he said.

One of the effective tools is also a specialized exhibition of women's business, which is practiced in many countries around the world.

"Another area where the experience of Businesswomen's Councils will be useful is the promotion of craftsmanship and other forms of home-based activities, training in marketing and online trading. It is also important to develop and support social entrepreneurship, including the development of standards of infrastructure for a favorable life for women and children in communities," he said.

This year, the Atameken with technical support from the Asian Development Bank, launched a project on training women living in rural areas financial literacy. More than 300 people have already taken courses and the projects will be supported by the regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs.

Timur Kulibayev does not doubt that the women can be active in technological, innovative and scientific areas, and start-ups in the STEM sector should be supported for this purpose. Besides, the Council should promote active fundraising by international development institutions, create mentoring institutions for aspiring female entrepreneurs, maintain businesswomen's registers in all regions and facilitate business communication.

At the end of the event, a Resolution was signed, which reflects the recommendations to the central and local executive bodies, development institutions, financial institutions, business community to implement comprehensive measures to support women's entrepreneurship in the country.

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