
Economic growth in Kazakhstan reached 4.3% for 9 months of 2019

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At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Askar Mamin, the results of the country's socio-economic development and the implementation of the republican budget for January-September 2011 were considered.

Minister of National Economy Ruslan Dalenov, Chairman of the National Bank Erbolat Dossaev, First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Finance Alikhan Smailov, Chairman of the Board of Atameken national Chamber of Entrepreneurs Ablay Myrzakhmetov reported on the state of the economy, banking sector, execution of the republican budget, local content in government procurement. Akims of the West Kazakhstan region Gali Iskaliyev, Kyzylorda region — Kuanyshbek Iskakov, North Kazakhstan region — Kumar Aksakalov reported on the performance results in the regions.

In January-September 2019, GDP growth amounted to 4.3% over the corresponding period last year. The growth dynamics is observed in construction — 13.5%, trade — 7.6%, transport — 5.5%, manufacturing, including engineering — 18.2%, light industry — 19%, metal ore mining — 16.1%, oil refining — 7.2%, communication services — 4%.

The assets of the National Fund increased by 2.4% to $59.4 billion, revenues to the republican budget — 7,677.6 billion tenge (100.8% of the plan), the growth rate was 112.6%. The average per capita nominal cash income of the population in January-July 2019 amounted to 686 thousand tenge and increased, compared with the corresponding period of 2018, by 10.0% in nominal terms, in real terms — by 4.7%.

At the same time, a number of administrators of budgetary programs have undeveloped budgetary funds, the largest sums have been accumulated by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources — 1.5 billion tenge, Ministry of Culture and Sports — 1 billion tenge, Ministry of Trade and Integration — 0.9 billion tenge, akimats of Almaty — 2.2 billion tenge, Almaty region — 1.1 billion tenge, Turkistan — 1 billion tenge, East Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions — 0.8 billion tenge each, West Kazakhstan — 0.7 billion tenge, Akmola region — 0.6 billion tenge.

The maximum indicators of the local content share for ST-KZ for 9 months in the light industry (46%) were achieved in the Kyzylorda region, furniture (59%), food and construction industries (54%) — in the Pavlodar region.

“According to the results of 9 months on the main basic indicators of economic growth, I would like to note the positive work of the akimats of Atyrau, East Kazakhstan, Turkistan, Zhambyl, Pavlodar regions. This is a good example for other regions. In turn, some akimats show a decrease on a number of indicators,” said Mamin, instructing regional leaders to correct this situation as soon as possible.

The head of Government pointed out the need for akims to take all necessary measures to implement the approved indicators for local content, as well as ensuring compliance with the requirements of the legislation, industrial certificate and ST-KZ certificate.

The prime minister noted good performance in increasing the Kazakhstani content in purchases of akimats of Kyzylorda, Pavlodar and Turkistan regions. The head of Government instructed Atameken and the Ministry of Finance to conduct additional seminars with akimats regarding the correct work on public procurement.

“Once again, I note that upon the achievement of these planned indicators the work of the leaders of the regions will be evaluated,” summarized Mamin.


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