
Atameken starts to accept applications for candidatures to Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty

- City of Almaty
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The admission of applications for candidatures to the membership of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty started on November 1, 2019.

"This year, on August 28, members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty decided to dissolve themselves and proposed to elect candidates to the Regional Council. Taking into account the decision of the Almaty Regional Council, as well as the fact that Almaty has the largest concentration of Kazakh companies, compared to other cities (186,000 business entities are operating in total), the NPP decided to hold elections of candidates for the members of the Regional Council in a pilot mode in Almaty. Then, according to the decision of the Presidium, this experience will be extended to the whole country," the chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuriy Tleumuratov said.

The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time holds elections of candidates to the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. After the pilot project the Atameken NCE RK plans to replicate this experience in the regional chambers throughout the country.

According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the members of the Regional Council are elected by direct vote of delegates from business entities in the manner approved by the Congress. In accordance with the decision of the Atameken Congress dated June 21, 2018, the elections of members of the Regional Councils should be held within three years by the decision of the Presidium of the Atameken NCE RK.

More details about the elections and the requirements for candidates can be found here. 


The Regional Council is a supervisory body of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which has the functions of a supervisory body:

- ensuring that the interests of specific sectors and sectors of the economy are taken into account in the current activities of the Regional Chamber;

- public hearings on entrepreneurship issues;

- assisting to the regional chamber's directorate in cooperation with government agencies, non-governmental, public and international organizations;

- making proposals to Congress to improve the efficiency of the National Chamber's activities;

- approval of candidates for heads of regional chambers and their branches, etc.

Thanks to the active work of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, the rights of entrepreneurs were repeatedly protected, and changes were made to the regulatory legal acts that had a positive impact on the development of Kazakh business:

1. With the participation of members of the Regional Council of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, amendments were made to the Law “On Advertising”, and in April 2019, a mechanism of preventive control was introduced to identify advertising objects.

2. The fixed tax rate for such activities as bowling, carting, billiards, etc. was reduced by an average of 30% in Almaty.

3. The introduction of an additional 5% of pension contributions by the employer was postponed and supported by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4.  At the request of entrepreneurs, changes in road markings on Kunaev Street and Baitursynov Street were initiated in terms of moving the bicycle lane to one side of the road.

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