
Atameken is looking for partner to publish Сommentaries to Tax Code

6681 просмотров

The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the initiator of the development of the Commentaries to the Tax Code.

The purpose of the work is to increase tax culture, uniform application of tax legislation and awareness of entrepreneurs on the correct execution of tax obligations.

Commentaries to the Tax Code for all categories of taxpayers, employees of government agencies, judges, practicing consultants, lawyers, students, teachers and all other persons interested in the problems of Tax law.

In connection with the completion of the Commentaries, the National Chamber announces an open two-stage tender for selecting a strategic partner for the publication of the Commentaries to the Tax Code.

The application and tender proposal of the person applying for participation in the open competition should be submitted by 11:00 a.m. on November 25, 2019, to the National Chamber at the following address: 8, D.Kunaeva Street, Block B, 17th floor, Office 1722, Esil district of Nur Sultan.

Requirements to the content of the preliminary proposal:

1) an applicant should have work experience of at least 3 years in the field of publication of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

-  specify the details of the publication of normative legal acts on paper with a copy of the cover and vorzatz;

- provide information about the electronic resource where the electronic versions of the normative legal acts are published (if any - to indicate the availability of a subscription system for paid access to the normative legal acts database);

2) an applicant should confirm the experience in conducting training or explanatory activities (indicate the dates and venue of these events, speakers, number of visitors, availability of specialized courses for the potentially interested audience);

3) an applicant should confirm the availability of human resources (specify the number of employees by functional responsibilities);

4) ) an applicant should confirm the availability of resources for the translation of the Commentaries to the Tax Code into the state language (in free form);

5) an applicant should oblige to comply with legislation on copyright protection and to sign the relevant obligations (in case of selection as a strategic partner);

Requirements for potential strategic partners:

1) have at least 3 years of experience in the field of publication of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) have experience in conducting training or explanatory activities among the audience potentially interested in publishing the Commentaries to the Tax Code (accountants, lawyers, academia);

3) to have resources for the translation of the Commentaries to the Tax Code into the state language;

4) to comply with legal requirements in terms of copyright protection.

The opening of the envelopes with applications and bids will take place at 11:00 a.m. on November 27, 2019, at the following address: 8, D.Kunaeva Street, Block B, 17th floor, Office 1722, Esil district of Nur Sultan.

The date of summing up the results of the first stage will be on 29 November 2019.

If you wish to get additional information, please call 8 (7172) 919338 or write to the e-mail:


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