
Government sums up implementation of Economy of Simple Things project office

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At the government session, the results of the Project Office for the development of industries "Еconomy of simple things" were summed up.

"To date, 830 projects worth 206 billion tenge were approved, and 297 projects worth 212 billion tenge have been submitted to banks for consideration," Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov reported on the 4th package of amendments to the Programme prepared by the National Chamber, including in terms of increasing the term of the loan for investment purposes from 7 to 10 years, expanding the list of goods for soft loans, increasing working capital financing to 100% in the food industry, as well as other changes. The proposed changes are supported by the business community and are necessary to increase the output of goods for the population.

He also highlighted the progress of work on another important direction - the development of local content on light, furniture, food industry, and construction materials.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber, "the share of local content in public procurement was 39% on average in four sectors for 11 months.

At the same time, a number of regions noted high performance and achievement of the established KPI on local content.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov separately focused on the ongoing work on monitoring the application of national standards in procurement, as well as Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO Agreement on Public Procurement. In particular, he noted such violations as the application of interstate standards in the presence of approved national standards, the indication of standards of individual organizations, as well as failure to specify standards. In the end, such violations lead to the procurement of low-quality imported products.

With regard to accession to the WTO Agreement on Public Procurement, it was noted that it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of information on procurement in advance, taking into account the current workload of domestic producers, their planned capacity, medium-term needs of customers, the availability of raw materials and technology base, etc.

Also, the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber reported to the Government on the results of the preliminary analysis of import substitution potential and the selection of 362 commodity groups for further work.

"However, this list is not exhaustive. We are ready to consider business initiatives for the release of other goods that meet the main criteria - a high level of imports, the availability of potential markets, the necessary raw materials and competencies," he said.

Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar noted that the implementation of the programme of concessional lending, procurement, and import substitution is under constant control of the Government and work in these areas will be strengthened next year.

"Together with the government agencies and the Samruk-Kazyna Fund, we will actively work to increase local content in procurement," Roman Sklyar said.

Summing up the meeting, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin noted the importance of supporting the sustainable development of domestic production.

"State bodies and akimats together with the National Chamber should continue to work at the site of the Project Office. Akimats should actively approach the search for entrepreneurs, who are ready to implement investment projects for import substitution and provide the necessary support measures," Head of the Government has instructed.

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