
Happy Nauryz!

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Dear friends,

I heartily congratulate you on the bright, spring holiday Nauryz!

Nauryz is one of the brightest and most special holidays for all Kazakhstani people.

Kazakhstani nations celebrate it as a good, and bright holiday that unites people of different ethnicities. May the holiday, symbolizing the renewal and coming of spring, bring prosperity and tranquility, and strengthen harmony and feelings of mutual respect!

This year's Nauryz holiday coincides with quarantine, introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In turn, I thank the business community for the correct assessment of the current difficult situation for business and support of the protective measures against the novel coronavirus. I have no doubt that together we will adequately overcome these enormous difficulties, showing unity and cohesion. Our task is to consolidate initiatives and proposals that will allow us to preserve business in the State of Emergency regime.

The Atameken NCE RK is always in touch with business, you can contact Atameken’s Call Center  1432, or write a message to WhatsApp +7 778 870 1432. The issues you raise will find their solution.

I sincerely wish your family well-being, success, happiness, and strong health.



With respect,

Presidium Chairman of the  Atameken NCE RK

Timur Kulibayev

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