
Lyazzat Ramazanova: "Women have helped to overcome the crisis of the 90's"

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The head of the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken" is sure: Kazakhstani women will be able to facilitate prompt transition through the "turbulent" zone for the second time

"Entrepreneurship - is a special field, not everyone is able to come to it. Think of the 90s, during that period statistics was not encouraging. By the end of the 90s, the number of unemployed reached one million. Almost every sixth economically active citizen of Kazakhstan didn’t have a permanent job", - said the chairman of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova, speaking at a conference of women entrepreneurs.

However, according to Ramazanova, the least affected according to the statistics were women, because by nature women much easier overcome such difficulties.

"Many of you, who are sitting today in the hall at the time put aside your diplomas, took the bags and got engaged in shuttle trade. This area was incomprehensible at the time, a little bit abusive in the public consciousness, but it helped gradually raise the GDP, budget revenue and social contributions increased, as a result, the birth rate has increased", - she said.

The head of the Council was confident that Kazakhstani women will help the country to get through the "turbulent" zone for the second time. "Women, occupying key positions in the financial, banking sectors, service sector and even the manufacturing sector, as well as because of their wisdom and experience will help the country to emerge from the crisis", - said Ramazanova.

As it was reported by Deputy Akim of Astana Ermek Amanshaev, today more than 41% of small and medium-sized enterprises are headed by women according to the nationwide average statistics, "demonstrating their tremendous competitiveness and interactivity". "Half of all individual entrepreneurs are women. In the eight regions and the cities of Astana and Almaty, the number of female entrepreneurs prevails over the number of male entrepreneurs. All these facts suggest that the status of a successful business woman is firmly built in our minds", - he said.

Chairman of the Regional Council of Business Women of Astana Bagila Bisembaeva, in turn, noted a positive trend - younger women's entrepreneurship. "Now a lot of young women, who have studied abroad, they have got economic, financial education, education in the field of management, and they actively apply it now in their activities. Women are represented, mainly in education, health, medicine, beauty, sewing, household ", - she stated.

At the conference, which was organized by NCE RK in the framework of the Forum “Astana Invest 2015”, business woman got free advice from experts during the master classes, they presented their own projects, met with potential investors and partners in the B2B format.

In addition, at the end of the event, the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana and the metropolitan Akimat have signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation and interaction in the support and development of female entrepreneurship. The parties agreed to form jointly the institutional framework for the development of women's entrepreneurship in Astana by organizing a well-functioning platform for dialogue between Government and business, joint review and address of the most pressing issues of women's entrepreneurship and the development of systematic measures to enhance the competitiveness of domestic business.

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