
In Atyrau, the number of women in business has grown 11 times for five years

- Atyrau Region
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Women in the region run more than 23 thousand objects of business

Over the past five years, this figure has increased by 11 times. This data was announced during the Women's Conference "Strategy for Gender Equality for 2006 - 2016 - Formula of achievements", which was held in the Atyrau region.

One of the organizers of the event was the Council of Businesswomen of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs. Businesswomen participated in the forum, who have attained success in different sectors of the economy. The event was attended Akim of Atyrau region Nurlan Nogayev.

Prior to the conference, the participants attended a specially prepared exhibition. There were presented works of applied art, clothing and pastries made by women.

"I want to express my gratitude to the organizers for holding this forum. We had the opportunity to meet with women – entrepreneurs, who already have sufficient experience in the business, they shared their experiences, gave tips for budding businesswoman", - said one of the participants of the exhibition Gaukhar Bekmagambetova.

The girl is engaged in needlework for two years. At first it was rather a hobby during maternity leave. Now her work has already started to generate income. The future plans of Gaukhar - opening of her own business.     

Women are actively involved in the further development, modernization and reform in our country, as well as in the process of democratization and renewal of society, for which all the necessary conditions have been created. This is evidenced by the fact that today in all spheres of our economy, in education, health, science and culture are increasingly grows share of women. There is a growing number of them in the government bodies. The chair of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, deputy of the regional maslikhat Aliya Bekkuzhieva spoke about this at the opening the conference.

It is no secret that many women not only work, but also to carry on their shoulders the burden of caring for their family and children. Akim of Atyrau region Nurlan Nogayev in his speech spoke about the special role of women in society.

"In general, in the course of implementation of the strategy of gender equality, Kazakhstan has achieved great results in 10 years. From year to year the number of women in the public service increases. For example, if in 2006 the share of women in Mazhilis of the Parliament was 10.4 percent, it has now reached 27.1 percent. In maslikhat of Atyrau region the number of women is 22 percent", - said the head of the region.

The contribution of the women in business development was also marked separately at the conference. Now in the region, almost half of all existing business objects are owned by women, and this is not just a purely women's sphere of activity.      

"Women have all the conditions for doing business. These are irrevocable grants, state support and business development programs, preferential loans, and more. Currently, 20 projects of entrepreneurs were funded. 70 percent of them are run by women", - said in a statement the deputy head of business and industrial-innovative development Gulzada Kayyrgalieva.

At the end of the forum a group of women were awarded letters of appreciation by the akim of the region.

The presentation of the encyclopedia "Atyrau arulary" was also held on this day, sponsored by a public figure Rashila Mursaliyeva.


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