
JANUARY: dramatic improvement of the business environment

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On January 1, 2015 came into force the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the radical improvement of the business environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" actively participates in the drafting of the Law, the total economic impact (savings) of the decision for businesses is more than 14 billion tenge per year.

The purpose of the law is to create favorable conditions for business development in Kazakhstan, formation of partnerships between government and business, the implementation of the transition from the policy of "identify and punish" to the policy of "prevention and promotion of good faith business".

The law provides for amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at the abolition of routine checks of entrepreneurs, the introduction of a simplified procedure for closure of small businesses, the introduction of the institute of an ombudsman on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, maximum reduction of rules that impede business development, as well as increase of the efficiency of state regulation of the private entrepreneurship.

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