
Female entrepreneurship is in priority in rural areas

- City of Shymkent
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70 out of 130 projects of female entrepreneurship will be implemented in rural areas of South Kazakhstan

In Shymkent was held the regular meeting of the Regional Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken" in SKR. Businesswoman of the south met with the Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova. The main purpose of the conversation is involvement of women in entrepreneurship. This is why a year ago was created the Council of Business Women of Kazakhstan in all areas.

"In South Kazakhstan region the Regional Councils of Business Women were established at the district level, and this is very important", - stressed Lazzat Kerimkulovna. - Yes, the statistics show that the urban population in Kazakhstan dominates over the rural population, but there is some deceit in these figures. Small towns and similar residential conglomerates can’t adequately considered as normal towns, as there is no urban infrastructure, no adequate standard of living and no necessary service. Therefore, it is important to develop entrepreneurship in rural areas, in those segments in which women are traditionally strong - private education and medicine, services: hairdressers, dry cleaning, catering, hospitality industry. It is very pleasant that out 130 of the new female business projects to be implemented in South Kazakhstan region, 70 will be implemented in rural areas. Chairman of the Council of Business Women of SKR Alma Arkhabaeva during her trips around the region, meetings with local officials always emphasizes the importance of engaging women in business in rural areas. And this work is now the most important task".

Today, the state provides unprecedented support measures to small and medium enterprises. The majority of women entrepreneurs are involved in this segment of the economy, this was announced during the meeting. According to participants, the main problem of women's entrepreneurship has been and remains the lack of available loans. In SKR this issue is solved  by a lot of structures with state participation, among them Fund "Damu" and RIC "Maximum". Experience of creation of regional investment centers, which began in the south, is spread across the country. Last year, the RICs were opened in seven regions of Kazakhstan. The recoverability of financial resources in the RICs is higher to 98 percent than in the second-tier banks. Loans are issued under the tutelage of Chambers of entrepreneurs. Micro-loans through the through line of RCE "Atameken" can open a businessmen, this experience has already appeared. One of the main tasks of NCE RK "Atameken" and the Council of Business Women is to suggest all measures of state support. The director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region Askar Abubakirov stressed that there are already first results of this work and this rate is sustainable.

Participants of the meeting outlined ways to solve another critical issue - raising of awareness. An important project, which NCE launches in the near future was approved. It is online training in the Kazakh language, which is available to everyone, and the speakers will be experienced business coaches and entrepreneurs.

"The current entrepreneurs certainly have something to say to your novice colleagues - said Alma Arkhabaeva. It is important for anyone who wants to engage in entrepreneurship and to be prepared for it, has both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, a living example of people who were able to succeed".

At the end of the meeting were registered all questions, which featured topical issues of entrepreneurs. All of them will be transferred to the relevant departments of the Chamber for consideration and resolution.

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