
The number of women engaged in business increases

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Kazakh women form around 40% of GDP, this is quite a good indicator

In just one year since the moment of establishment, the members of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" were able to achieve impressive results. "There were established sixteen regional councils of business women, they are headed by successful business women, similar councils were established at district centers", - said during the II Congress the chairman of the Council of Business Women Lazzat Ramazanova. 700 women entrepreneurs are members of the councils, in addition, economic activity is progressing, the number of enterprises headed by women has increased in all regions.

"It is worth noting that the percentage of women in business is constantly growing. Kazakh women form around 40% of GDP, which is quite a good indicator ", - stated Lazzat Ramazanova. Chairman of the Board presented the research data of the international company Ernst & Young, in which women's entrepreneurship market is called "one of the fastest growing". It is expected that by 2030, women will control 75% of costs worldwide.

The main achievement of the Congress were named projects, and we are talking about a variety of "unique, social, innovative projects". About the creativity of business women can speak another fact that the members of the Congress in different ways interpreted the logo of the Council, which is placed on badges, but also on business accessories and even branded headscarves.

As an example Lazzat Ramazanova called Aktobe region where was organized a visiting computer training course for women living in the "House of Moms" ​​with issuance of certificates. Within the framework of public-private partnerships was held a seminar on "How to open a private kindergarten". As a result, three new private preschool centers were opened in the region.

In Astana, with the active assistance of the Council of Business Women and NCE "Atameken" was opened "", which offers for sale only domestically produced goods. In Semey and Karaganda was opened a chain of stores "Thank you", the support was provided to the project "UmayAna" in Zhambyl, East Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions. In the South-Kazakhstan region took a successful start the project "From Idea to Success!", its goal is creation of 75 projects for "Women's startup" and the development of the operating business. Moreover, 40 projects have already been adopted and started to work. The project “ONTUSTIK-Ethno" for the revival of national handicraft is also underway.

In Almaty region the members of the Council have organized training for unemployed women under the program "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship", as well as seminars to raise awareness of PPP and forms of government support for business start-up mechanisms. Another result is the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the Association of Business Women in the city of Horgos (PRC). In the East Kazakhstan region opened a School of Entrepreneurs "Vanguard Plus", the organizers help local residents to discover and to develop entrepreneurial potential.

"According to official statistics, employed female population aged between 16 to 58 years amounted to more than four million. The number of self-employed women is more than one million. In total about the country the number of women leaders in business by the condition on 1st of July last year, was about seven hundred thousand - a 42% ", - quoted the indicators the head of the Council of Business Women.

Lazzat Ramazanova noted that the support and development of entrepreneurship, including women's, remains a top priority for NCE "Atameken". A driving role in this belongs to the Council of Business Women, which was formed at the initiative of the President of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev. Only in 2015 "Atameken" rendered service to support over 35,000 entrepreneurs at different levels, of which more than half - are women. Over five thousand women were trained within the frames of the project "Business School", as a result 140 startups were launched.

Zhanar Serdalina

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