
"Atameken" helps women entrepreneurs to believe in themselves

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Creation of the Council of Business Women under the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs was the starting point for the boom of female business initiatives in the regions

More than four million Kazakh women are self-employed. In addition, women entrepreneurs demonstrate high financial, credit and fiscal discipline. This was announced today during the II Congress of the Council of Business Women under the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" by the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov. First he read the address of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, on his initiative a year ago was created a Council of Business Women. The launch and the activities of the Council have surpassed all expectations. "According to the results of your work, I  can note that initiative and active women united at NCE RK "Atameken", who love their work. You surround with love and attention not only your friends and relatives, but also care about your employees at difficult times", - says the address of Timur Kulibayev. "It should be noted that the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Atameken" – is a platform that is always open to those for whom it is important to show and to realize their full potential for the benefit of our country's future. I wish you success and new victories!”, - states the address of the Chairman of the Presidium NCE RK "Atameken".

A positive attitude and determination of women entrepreneurs was stressed today more than once at the Congress. "I'm just amazed and delighted how within one year the pace of initiative grew among women entrepreneurs. More than 4 million women are entrepreneurs, it is half of the working-age population. Not to mention the fact that on your shoulders is house, well-being, family health, well-being of the whole country that always marks the head of the state, which pays special attention to support of women's business initiatives", - said A. Myrzakhmetov. Within a year since the establishment of the Council of business women we found a common language and common goals "in every district, in every region".

"In your face we see the most active, the most progressive, the most constructive force," - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. The Chairman of the Board cited the example of the work style of female colleagues to male heads of regional chambers of "Atameken". "Women find the right words, the right tone, approach, they are well aware of that what people need, find accessible language, they speak well and know what demand exists today". - said the head of the Board of NCE.

The "Atameken" intend to continue to provide assistance to the maximum development of women's business initiatives nationwide. "I believe that more attention should be paid to women's entrepreneurship, for example, in the light industry, services, tourism and catering", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. Proposals which are received by "Atameken" in all cities and regions, will be included in a package of projects that NCE heads will discuss at all levels, including central government bodies.

Commenting on women's business lending indicators, Ablay Myrzakhmetov stated: "more than a quarter of the funds have been distributed". "Women are responsible, disciplined, and these are important qualities. Microloans – it is also a a support of women's entrepreneurship", - concluded the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

Zhanar Serdalina


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