
Altyn Sapa: Objective assessment of the leading role of the organization's management

- Almaty Region
8626 просмотров
At the briefing, the representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs told reporters about the rules and requirements of the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan."
The briefing was held at the site of the Regional Service of communication of Almaty region. Speakers encouraged regional producers to take part in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the Republican contest-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan". Currently, 15 companies have applied to participate.
According to Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast Asset Shayakhmetov the premium "Altyn Sapa" is awarded annually on a competitive basis for the achievement of significant results in the field of product quality, implementation high-quality management by an organization. "Since 2015 the organizer of the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan" is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and Regional Chambers in the regions, as well as in Astana and Almaty cities. Last year in Astana LLP "Rybprom" won in the nomination "The best food product". The Winner of the Award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" in the category "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" became LLP "Bayserke Agro", - added A. Shayakhmetov.
The competition is open to all companies that produce products and provide services with the sign "Made in Kazakhstan".
According to the certification expert of RCE Bibigul Omarova, the competition "Altyn Sapa" is an estimate of the leading role of the company's management.
"The main criteria - assessment of the leading role of leadership, development strategy and values necessary to achieve long-term success. Analyzing the attitude and actions of the management, we determine whether the leadership inspires the staff of the organization, does it facilitate quality management principles. In addition, we evaluate policy and strategy of the organization in the field of quality, the level of human resources management, development and use of his knowledge and capacity, joint activities of partners", - added the expert.
It should be noted that the competition criteria allow to identify their strengths and those areas that need to be improved in the future. Participation in the prestigious competition encourages enterprises to develop production, to improve the quality of products and to expand markets. These questions are particularly relevant for the development of Kazakhstan's business in the conditions of the EAEU and the WTO.
The expert reminded that applications will be accepted until 1st of July this year. Therefore, entrepreneurs of Semirechye still have time to take part and to become the best of the best.
According to a member of the expert group, the chief specialist of the Department of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of MID RK in Almaty region Gulmira Abdrasilova, on the basis of self- assessment you can improve operations across the organization.
"International experience shows, most of the organizations conducting the self-assessment, identify more than a hundred areas of its activities, where it is possible to introduce improvements from the issues requiring policy decisions, and ending with the specific issues resolved in an operational order. Self-assessment provides a "snapshot" of the state of affairs and the organization get information, in which areas improvements can be introduced, and allows us to evaluate it in points", - said G. Abdrasilova.
The Chamber of entrepreneurs of Almaty region will continue to receive documents and materials for the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan" just before the end of this week.

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