
Innovations in agribusiness: Live and learn!

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Baurzhan Kurmanov, expert at the Center of Agricultural Competence NCE RK "Atameken", believes that the training of farmers to innovative technology will help them to achieve quality indicators in the work

Baurzhan Kurmanov is engaged as an expert for the establishment of feedlots for cattle breeding and the program of cattle breeding "Sybaғa".

"I select the farms, where will be held training sessions for farmers, together with foreign experts I prepare methodology for lectures, define relevant topics. Then, together with representatives of the regional chambers of entrepreneurs coordinate the dates of the seminars, I also recommend to the Centre of agricultural competence the lecturers, who will conduct the seminars. My job titles also include preparation of articles about innovative technologies for website of NCE RK -, as well as the answers to the questions of farmers coming through the call center of NCE", - said the expert.

According to him, a schedule of workshops was developed, they will be held in August, but, taking into account regional climatic features, seminar dates differ. For example, it is planned to hold seminars in the first half of August in NKR, given the weather conditions and the fact that soon in the northern regions of the country will start harvesting campaign. In the south of seminars are planned for later.

The benefit of such seminars for our farmers and whether they need such courses? Baurzhan Kurmanov is sure: today the domestic farmers need such knowledge more than ever, and no one should doubt the demand for training seminars. "Our farmers, because of their workload and busy schedule, when they have to work 24/7, often are not able to travel to any seminars. However, they also want to be aware of all the latest trends in the industry, eager to learn something new, and then to apply the knowledge on their farm and to achieve quantitative and qualitative indicators in the work", - said the expert.

According to him, despite the specificity of regions, veterinary safety remains a very pressing issue for al. "In all regions, based on feedlots, the farmers are interested in how to increase the average monthly gain of the animals during a short period of fattening. In the north and west, farmers are concerned about animal injuries. If you take improvement of breeding it is crucial in the north and center of the republic. In the west, breeders often ask what technology is best for the reproduction of cattle, in the southern region – it is a matter of getting offspring, forage processing", - said Baurzhan Kurmanov.

According to him, the seminars conducted on basic farms are good because they allow farmers to implement actively their innovative technologies.

"For example, many of them to keep up with the trends of the time, purchased in leasing the modern agricultural techniques to facilitate the work of farmers. At these seminars farm specialists have the opportunity to learn how to work on this technique. That is, they more they try to develop the farm, the more issues appear on the way of the farmers. That is why today both heads of farms and specialists are interested in conducting these workshops. This is true not only in Kazakhstan. In any developed country consulting, training of farmers is in the first place", - said Baurzhan Kurmanov.

According to the expert of the Center of agricultural competence of NCE, at the seminars will be discussed topical issues, not only theoretical part, but also practical. "At the farms will be demonstrated not only their achievements, but also how best to implement those or other technologies on feedlots, used in the breed conversion, and then farmers can apply it themselves. Seminars are held one day, the farmers are present at the lectures from morning until evening. However, if they still will have any questions, they can call the call center of NCE, send a question by e-mail, etc. Also on the website of NCE will be posted information on innovations, articles on topical issues, innovative technologies so that farmers can become familiar with them at any time and get the right information for themselves", - said Baurzhan Kurmanov.

As stated the experts who often has to travel not only to the nearby farm of the regional center, but also to remote villages, today, many farmers use the internet, trying to follow all the processes occurring in a given sector of agriculture.

"The effect of these seminars will be, in my opinion, that farmers are informed about what innovative technologies exist today and how they can be implemented at their farms. The workshops will address the issues of increasing the number of livestock, breeding due to reproduction. They will also be informed about veterinary medicine, what are the new innovative achievements in the industry for preventive and curative purposes. And the question here is not in the choice of drugs, but the systematization work of how to optimize it, and at the same time maintaining the safety and health of animals", - said Baurzhan Kurmanov.

According to him, in addition to Kazakhstani experts the foreign experts will be involved in the training process, there has been created a bank of lecturers. "It will be possible through the call center to know the opinion of farmers and to inform them in a timely manner how to carry out this work on a long term basis. A farmer is constantly busy, he has no holidays, no weekends, no matter in what industry he works. It is especially difficult for those who work in the field of livestock, where there is a continuous work. And in this regard, neither the farmers nor the specialists have the opportunity to go somewhere, to go for training, while at the same time they are interested in improving the quality and quantity indicators of a farm. Although, it is worth noting that at the agricultural exhibitions in Astana are attended by farmers or their workers, as they want to be aware of trends in its industry, to obtain the necessary information, they follow the innovations, and so these seminars, are very important and are in demand in the region", - concluded Baurzhan Kurmanov.

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