
The "Business School" has a continuation

- Kyzylorda Region
9002 просмотров

The Council of business women of Kyzylorda conducts "Project-based learning"

At the site of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda are conducted project-based learning courses on "agribusiness" for budding entrepreneurs, the organizer of which is the Council of Business Women. The coach of the event is a successful businessman Samalbek Kosanov. 12 participants are attracted for the training course within the project "Business School".

Feature of training is that it is organized on the principle of mentoring. In this regard, the Chamber attracts as counselors business representatives with experience in the field of entrepreneurship, who have achieved great success.

During the seminar Samalbek Kosanov will share his own experience, he talked about the specifics of doing business. Already in September, the course participants will present their work at the sites where they use the method of drip irrigation in the cultivation of vegetable crops. It is worth noting that LLP "Agro Zhasa" under Samalbek Kossanov received preferential loans in the amount of 10 million tenge through the Regional Investment Center "Kyzylorda". During the implementation of the project the consultants of the Chamber of entrepreneurs fully escorted the entrepreneur.

Courses "Project Learning" is the logical continuation of the course "Business School". This year the Council of Business Women of Kyzylorda will conduct "Training Project" within three directions: "Agribusiness", "Opening of kindergarten" and "Food / pastry shop". All interested persons are invited to attend the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which is located in Kyzylorda, st. Aiteke, 28.

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