
The Council of Business Women of Astana and the Kazakh State University of Law will train lawyers with a specialization in a particular sphere of law

- City of Astana
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The Council of Business Women of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana and the Kazakh State University signed a memorandum of cooperation

The document was signed by the Chairwoman of the Council of Business Women of RCE of Astana Bagila Bisembaeva and deputy chairman of the Kazakh State University Nadezhda Korobko.

Within the framework of the memorandum the parties have agreed to cooperate in the field of education: to organize joint lectures, seminars, conferences, and to conduct other work to support the development of women's entrepreneurship in the capital.

Bagila Bisembaeva, as a representative of Astana's business, noted the urgent need for highly specialized lawyers on the market. "Entrepreneurs need lawyers with specialization in a particular industry. For example, those who know all the nuances of beauty and health industry. Today we dominate we have mainly universal lawyers. We are ready to assist students in undergoing practical training at companies of the members of the Council of Business Women and other entrepreneurs. I am sure this cooperation will improve the knowledge of graduates and their better adaptation to the labor market", - noted Bagila Bisembaeva.

Nadezhda Korobko supported this idea and added that the Kazakh State University of Law created a corporate Fund "endowment KazSUL" in 2016 to attract additional resources and to help finance the education of students from socially vulnerable strata of the population. This year 10 grants were allocated for distance learning of young mothers under the Fund, who can now receive higher education without leaving home.

"Together with the Council of Business Women, we are also considering the idea of ​​grants for training under programs MBA or DBA for young entrepreneurs. This is a good opportunity for startups", - said Nadezhda Korobko. The memorandum is designed for 5 years, at the expiration of this period it may be extended by agreement of the parties.

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