
About important things with the State Secretary

- Almaty Region
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Business woman of the region met with Gulshara Abdykalikova

Kazakh Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalikova during a visit to Almaty region held a meeting with businesswomen. The head of the region Amandyk Batalov, the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber, head of the Association of Businesswomen of Almaty region Rimma Salykova, chairman of the Regional Council of Businesswomen Mamila Musabekova, director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva, as well as other well-known and successful businesses  attended this important for the business community meeting.

Issues of strengthening women's participation in the implementation of state programs for support of women's entrepreneurship, the increase of women in decision-making, strengthening of spiritual and moral and family values. The Chairman of the Regional Council and the Association of Businesswomen Rimma Salykova noted that regional women actively participate in state programs.

"Within the project "Women in Business of the "Fund" Damu" in Almaty region were implemented 9 projects worth 108 million tenge; 657 women were financed for a total amount of 295 million tenge under the program "Financing of microenterprises"; more than 70 women received preferential loans for half a billion tenge under the program "Women's Entrepreneurship Support". 39 regional women received loans amounting to 65 million tenge under the new micro-credit program of NCE "Atameken" "Business-region". It is particularly important that this support is provided to rural women. For example, in Sarkansk district 9 business plans were developed with the assistance of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, out of them 6 projects  were financed for 20 million 950 thousand tenge ", - said R. Salykova.

The head of the Regional Council noted that there are more than 56 thousand businesses headed by women in Almaty region, who every day make a worthy contribution to the development of the national economy. For example, an entrepreneur from the Uighur district implements a large-scale project, cultivating apricot orchards totaling 610 million tenge, of them 573 million tenge – are her own funds. More than 1,500 consultations were provided at the district business support centers for businesswomen. 652 women learnt the basics of entrepreneurship, 300 women got assistance with business plans.

At the meeting, the secretary of state told Rimma Salykova about the successful partnership of the Association of Businesswomen and the Regional Council of Businesswomen of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs.

"Together, we – are a cohesive team that is ready to share its experience and expertise in the business. We held more than 30 meetings, conferences, forums and seminars to discuss and address issues of businesswomen. After these meetings, women come to business support centers with their ideas. Our priority work was spread to all districts of the county and rural areas, where were established district and rural councils of businesswomen", - she noted.

During the conversation Gulshara Abdykalikova shared her impressions after a visit to a kindergarten "Altyn Besik", built under a public-private partnership. Secretary of State highly appreciated the work in this regard, asked the entrepreneurs about PPP development in the village.

Rimma Salykova noted one successful example of partnership – a story of a woman from Sarkansk district.

"In Sarkansk district one of the problematic issues is the development of public-private partnership. With this in mind, we organized a workshop on the creation and development of private preschools, where representatives of development institutions and banks have told about the programs and measures of the state support within PPP. At the end of the seminar an enterprising woman decided to open a kindergarten, incidentally, the first in the region", - added Salykova.

A member of the Regional Council, a director of a private school "Dana" Kulyanda Batyrbekova also shared her experience. Her private school and kindergarten are the most advanced and innovative in the region.

In addition, the chair of the regional club of women politicians, First Vice-Rector ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov Lyazzat Erkinbaeva talked about participation of women in the political life of the country.



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