
What part did the National Chamber take in the adoption of new laws

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Out of 83 draft laws considered by the Mazhilis, 36 affected the interests of entrepreneurship

One of the main functions of NCE RK "Atameken" is the representation of the interests of entrepreneurship in the Parliament, in connection with which the National Chamber takes a direct part in lawmaking activities, including at the level of the Parliament, to ensure that the interests of the business community are taken into account in the adopted legislative acts. In June 2017, the second session of the Sixth convocation of the Parliament ended, in which NCE RK "Atameken" took an active part and contributed to the improvement of legislation regulating the activities of the business community.

"If you appeal to specific figures, during the second session of the VI convocation of the Parliament, 83 draft laws were submitted to the Mazhilis for consideration, of which 36 (more than 40%) affected the interests of entrepreneurship. Thus, more than 400 meetings of the working groups of the Mazhilis on the development of these draft laws were held with the direct participation of experts of NCE RK "Atameken", - Aizhan Bizhanova, Managing Director / Director of the Department for Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation explained.

For example, as part of the review of the draft law on appraisal activity, the business regulation model has been conceptually restructured through the introduction of a self-regulatory institution that provides for the reduction of licensing procedures, delegation of control issues and methodology to the business community itself.

On the improvement of civil and banking legislation, serious disputes aroused questions of the challenge of alleged transactions, the issuance of additional requirements for conducting an audit to small businesses. For standardization, there is a heated debate over the combination of various types of standards in the standards of organizations in the system of technical regulation.

"In the focus of the National Chamber were always draft laws with social orientation. These include the laws adopted in the first half of 2017 aimed at improving legislation on health, social health insurance, and social security. It should be noted that the work of Atameken within the framework of the Parliament is not limited to participation in working groups. NCE RK "Atameken" takes a lively part in the preparation of events that somehow affect the interests of entrepreneurship, such as parliamentary hearings, government sessions, round tables, seminars, presentations and other events", - Aizhan Bizhanova added.

In this connection, "Atameken" thanks the leadership of the Parliament and the deputy corps for their openness, for a balanced dialogue and the opportunity to voice the opinion of business on draft laws in the country's highest representative body.

Speaking at the closing of the second session of the VI convocation of the Parliament and talking about the forthcoming work, the Chairman of the Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin emphasized that further the parliamentary corps, in close cooperation with the Government, will ensure the adoption of qualitative laws aimed at forming a new model of the domestic economy, entrepreneurship, providing social guarantees to citizens.

"Taking into account the fact that the work of the National Council will also be aimed at close and harmonious interaction with the Parliament and the Government on issues of legislative support of entrepreneurship initiatives, the more coordinated work of the whole apparatus of NCE RK "Atameken", business entities and the general focus on success”, - summarized the managing director.

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