
Business helps business in Arys

- Turkestan Oblast
12162 просмотров

Life in Arys is gradually returning to the style it was before. The city, which has been emptied in one moment, is gradually coming to life, and here restoration works have started at full speed, in which businessmen from all over Kazakhstan take an active part.

Today Arys is divided into 17 sectors by the number of territorial units of the country. Independent appraisers, who make up defective acts, work at the business facilities affected by the explosions.

The employees of regional chamber work for objectivity and protection of the rights of businessmen they watch any businessman won’t be forgotten. After the signature of the defective act by the businessman, the document is transferred to the design organizations to estimate them, and then the construction companies will deal with the facilities.

As of today, more than 400 business objects of Arys are subject to restoration. Remind that Business helps business project was launched for support of businessmen of Arys, 12 largest companies of Kazakhstan have started to render the financial help to the injured businessmen. Today, 510 million tenge has already been transferred to the account of Menin Atamekenim. Other large companies are at the stage of signing contracts to support victims.

"We have identified 472 commercial objects, 395 of which need compensation for damage, and 8 objects have been destroyed. Now the employees of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Turkestan daily consult the entrepreneurs of Arys, and also accept from them the title documents for the real estate objects and entrepreneurial activity for payment of compensations. For today they have accepted 163 such packages," the director of Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Turkestan region Dinmukhamed Absattarov said.

The Turkestan construction company Alzha Kurylys LLP has been providing dismantling works in 6 business objects. Construction contractors are working at 18 objects subject to compensation for damage.

To date, assistance has already been provided to 22 objects of Arys city SMEs for a total amount of about 62.4 million tenge, which will be used for repair work and restoration of objects. Meanwhile, those objects on which the damage estimation is carried out, have already started to work. Thus, 201 commercial objects opened their doors to their visitors in Arys.

Besides, the employees of the Chamber accept the documents for the ownership of the real estate in Arys. They also advise on the compensation of damages, deferral of loans, or on receiving preferential loans of up to 5 million tenge at 1% per annum. To date, businessmen of Arys have already submitted 368 applications for preferential loans for 1.8 billion tenge. A total of 3,256 consultations have been held and 2,375 certificates have been issued via the e-government portal.

In addition to the restoration of business facilities, the entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan assist in the restoration of socially important objects in Arys.

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