
"Eastern track of interaction is extremely important"

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At the site of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was held a panel session "EAEU in the globalized world"

Opening the discussion, the head of the Board of EEC Viktor Khristenko has formulated his vision of emerging trends in the global economy: "The crisis of globalization has stimulated intense acceleration of regionalization processes in different parts of the world. I am absolutely convinced that the future shape of the world will be formed in cooperation with regional integration groups. And it will be organized on different bases. Not necessarily on a territorial basis, as the Eurasian Economic Union. But such as Brix. And thus the efficiency of the emerging new global architecture will depend on the internal efficiency of these groups and the effectiveness of their communication and interaction with each other”.

Noting the objective changes in the world connected, first of all, to the global redistribution of economic growth points, the Chairman of Board of EEC underlined the importance of the Asian Partners for the EAEU. He noted that "the eastern track interaction is extremely important" and added that "the Union creates a format of interaction with potential partners from the Asia-Pacific region”.

"More recently it signed a precedent document - the Agreement on free trade zone between the EAEU and its Member States and Vietnam. These are new opportunities for the positioning of the EAEU at the market of Southeast Asia and Vietnam - new opportunities in the CIS market. But for us it is also another step towards the global positioning of the Union in the preferential arrangements", - said Viktor Khristenko. However, the moderator of the session "the EAEU in the global world", adding that, speaking about the development of the eastern track in the context of the Union, it means not only Asia but the Pacific region, and countries of Latin America.

However, he stressed that the European Union – is the traditional and the largest trade and economic partner of the Eurasian Economic Union. Viktor Khristenko during a session called the EU "the holder of a controlling interest in a trade with the EAEU". Therefore, according to him, even in today's realities, the Union does not consider it possible to break these long-term relationships.

Summing up the session, Viktor Khristenko, thanked his colleagues for the position expressed, noted the importance of each for accession of the perception of the partners of the Eurasian economic integration processes, and noted that the discussion helps to increase understanding of the directions in which the further development of integration can be more effective.

The panel session "EAEU in a global world" was attended by representatives of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), in particular, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Anton Kudasov, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Likhachev, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to USA Tigran Sargsyan. The stance of EEC was also presented by the member of the Board (minister) on the main areas of integration and Macroeconomics Tatiana Valovaya. Representatives of the EAEU partners on trade and economic cooperation  the session as participated in the session as well: Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguema Cam Tu and Minister of State for Industry and Trade of the Republic of India Nirmala Sitharaman. The position of the international business community in a panel discussion was presented by the chairman of the Committee on Economic Relations with Eastern Europe Eckhard Cordes, president, chief executive officer of the US-Russia Business Council, Daniel Russell, head of the Moscow representative office of E.ON Global Commodities SE, honorary chairman of the Association of European Businesses Rainer Hartmann. The point of view of the international community on the economic processes was expressed by the executive secretary of the Economic and Social Commission of the United Nations for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Shamshad Akhtar.

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