
“Zhibek Zholy” gives bank loans to residents of Almaty

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A new credit line for trade and service enterprises was launched

The Secretariat of the Trade Committee of NCE RK supports the initiative of Akimat of Almaty and Fund "Damu" on formation of the modern trade in the southern capital.

According to experts, the program "Zhibek Zholy" is very popular, as it is aimed at providing financial assistance to Almaty enterprises, operating in the field of trade and services, as well as to sectors not included in the state program "Business Road Map - 2020".

Loan terms will surprise even big pessimists: the nominal interest rate is up to 7% per year; the maximum loan amount is not more than 180 mln. tenge per one borrower; loan term - up to 7 years for the purchase of fixed assets, and up to 3 years - for working capital.

The participants can be only small and medium-sized enterprises, registered and operating in the city of Almaty.

Social responsibility of entrepreneurs is foreseen within the program: enterprises have to increase annually the number of hired employees by at least one staff member, as well as to maintain existing jobs before the end of the term of financing.

To implement the program, Kazakh banks have received about 4 billion tenge from the Fund "Damu" and Akimat of Almaty. The first loan under the program "Zhibek Zholy" was issued in the amount of 45 million tenge to LLP "As Market", which sells food products.

Five projects in the amount of 120 million tenge are at the stage of approval at second-tier banks. Another 19 projects with a total sum 700 million tenge are pending.

The program involves six banks: Sberbank, AsiaCredit Bank, Capital Bank, Bank RBK, DeltaBank and Astana Bank. Funds to their accounts will come in tranches.

JSC “Delta Bank” - 500 mln. tenge;

JSC "Sberbank of Russia" - 900 mln. tenge;

JSC “AsiaCredit Bank” - 500 mln. tenge;

JSC "Bank “Bank RBK” - 600 mln. tenge;

JSC "Bank Astana" - 500 mln. tenge;

JSC “Capital Bank Kazakhstan” - 200 mln. tenge;

The Fund "Damu" will monitor the programs for one year after the issuance of the loan. The city administration will accamulate all monitoring data, creating jobs, paying taxes.

"At the moment it is one of the best examples of support to the sector of trade and services. We hope that the practice of working together will solve business problems in the area of ​​trade and in other Akimats, Fund "Damu", regional chambers of entrepreneurs", - said the head of the secretariat of the committee of trade NCE RK Zhibek Azhibaeva.

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