
Gold mine is on sale!

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LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract” announces about the conduction of the electronic auction by Dutch auction method on the sale of 25% shares of JSC "Maikainzoloto", belonging to JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna ", which will begin on July 28, 2015 at 10:00 am (Astana time) on the web portal of the State Property Registry

Implementation is carried out in accordance with the "Uniform Rules of disposal of assets and objects of joint stock company" National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" (and organizations, more than 50% of voting shares (share of participation) of which directly or indirectly belong to JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" on the right of ownership or trust management) ", approved by the Board of Directors of "Samruk-Kazyna" and Regulations on conduction of electronic auctions, on the sale of the property on the web portal of the State Property Register, approved by the Board of Directors of JSC "Information and Cost Center".

Name of the asset


Type of activity


Start price in KZT

Miniumum price in KZT

Guarantee fee in KZT


JSC  “Maikainzoloto”

JSC “National Welfare Fund

“Samruk Kazyna”

Exploration and production of gold


Pavlodar region.,

Bayanaul district, village Maykain,

13, Chkalov street.

6 001 107 585

600 110 758,5

59 460 000

Register of bidders is made on the web portal of the registry and ends two hours before the start of trading.

It is allowed to make many guarantee fees, however, the guarantee fee gives the right to buy only object, for which the interested person has paid the guarantee fee.

Transfer of guarantee fee is carried out on the account of JSC "Information and Cost Center": 010000, Astana, 29, Republic ave.. Tel. (7172) 30-98-24, BIN 050540004455, BIC KZKOKZKZ, KZ52 IIC 9261 5011 0203 2004 Bank JSC "Kazkommertsbank".

Payment: a guarantee fee to participate in an electronic auction (the amount of guarantee fee doesn’t include payment of banking services).

The details of the procedure of an electronic auction by Dutch auction method can be found in the Uniform Rules and Regulations, which are publicly available on the website of JSC "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna ", LLP" Samruk-Kazyna Contract "and JSC" Information and Cost Center "( in these materials you can find the list of documents required for registration).

Additional  information about the electronic auction can be found at or call: 8 (7172) 309-824, ext. 211 (JSC "RTC"), 8 (7172) 55-90-65, 8 (7172) 55-29-86 (LLP «Samruk-Kazyna Contract").

Detailed information about the object, as well as with the Policy of realization of assets you can familiarize yourself below:

Audit Report 2012

Audit Report 2013

Passport of the enterprise JSC "Maikainzoloto"

Charter of the company JSC "Maikainzoloto"

Certificate of state re-registration of the legal entity

The report on the market value of 25% of the shares of JSC "Maikainzoloto"

Notice of the auction of JSC "Maikainzoloto"

Uniform rules for the sale of assets


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