
Privatization is on!

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Committee of State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of RK sells the objects of the Republican property , according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by March 31, 2014 # 280 "On some issues of privatization". Its implementation is carried out in accordance with the Rules of the sale of objects of privatization (the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 09.08.2011 # 920).

At this point following objects are on sale (with an indication of the selling price, the size of the state share to be sold, trading method):


Object to be sold

the size of the state share to be sold

Sale price, KZT

Trading method

Description of the object


"Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education"

100 %

1 800 000 000


Description of

 Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education"

JSC "Kazakhstani Transport Leasing Company"

100 %

836 527 500

e-tender by Dutch method

Description of

"Kazakhstani Transport Leasing Company"



JSC "Scientific-Production Association" Eurasian Water Center "

100 %

22 000 000

e-tender by Dutch method

 Description of

   "Scientific-Production Association" Eurasian Water Center "

JSC "Specialized security unit" Kuzet "

100 %

369 000 000


 Description of

 JSC "Specialized security unit" Kuzet "

 JSC "Economic Research Institute"

25 %

411 891 000

e-tender by English method

 Description of

JSC "Economic Research Institute"

Property complex RSE on PVC "Higher School of Public Health of  MHSD RK"

100 %

664 326 000


 Description of

   "Higher School of Public Health of  MHSD RK"

Property complex RSE on PVC "Kazakh State Design and Research Institute for the Design of Forestry 'Kazgiproleskhoz

100 %

321 641 000


 Description of

  'Kazgiproleskhoz “

LLP  "Zhas orken" (printed edition)

100 %

16 481 000


 Description of

 «Жас өркен»

LLP "Kazakgazetterі"

100 %

19 580 000


 Description of


LLP “Media Center of Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

100 %

42 500 000


 Description of

“Media Center of Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan “


Bidding for these objects will be held in the near future. Notices for tenders will be issued 15-30 days before the auction in the media and online resources:

• in the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”

• on the web portal of the State Property Registry

• Online portal of NCE RK

Trades are held in electronic format on the web portal of the State Property Registry To participate in the tender it is necessary to register online at and pay a guarantee fee of 20% of the project cost.

Moore information on the sale of the Republican property objects can be viewed at and received by phone:

• 8/7172/309 824 ext. 211,  JSC "RTC"

• 8/7172/717796, Committee of State Property and Privatization of MF RK

Detailed information about the objects, including a summary of the objects, the cost of evaluation reports and financial condition can be found on the website of NCE.

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