
The Union of manufacturers of light industry will be established in Kazakhstan

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Today, at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held the first working session of the initiators of Union’s creation

"The created Union will include representatives of our industry - production workers directly. Often, they say: What is the use of a union or an association? Yes, the Union, in itself, does not create wealth. But its significance should not be underestimated. The main objective of the Union of manufacturers of light industry - is primarily to promote cooperation between enterprises of light industry, representatives of educational institutions, which train personnel for our industry, highly qualified professionals, whose experience and knowledge can be used for the development of light industry in general in our country", - noted the general director of "PIK ASTANA Yutariya ltd”, member of the Council of Business Women and the Committee of SME NCE RK Saule Shauenova.

She also noted that the work of the Union will be primarily aimed at strengthening the authority of the enterprises of light industry and the formation of a positive image of the industry as a whole.

Head of the Secretariat of the Committee of manufacturing industry NCE RK Nurlan Sakuov, in turn, added that the National Chamber supports business initiatives aimed at consolidation.

"In our manufacturing there are 6 areas, accordingly, we are working closely with 6-7industry associations, including the ones, which are not accredited at NCE", - he said.

According to N. Sakuov, the Committee together with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the RK, works on development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the development of light industry until 2019.

He also noted that NCE is working on promotion of the production sector in the domestic and foreign markets. "In this case, we are working with the Institute of JSC "National Agency for Development of Kazakhstani content (NADLoC)”. Production of light industry should meet the needs of our population in quality and price, we need to build internal capacity. Our focus is on increase of local content", - said the representative of NCE.

In addition to discussing the future work of the Union, at the meeting were handed over gifts within the charitable actions. So, disabled children with hearing problems of 3 group - Zauresh Kazieva received a universal sewing machine “ZOJE”. In addition, the Kazakh University of Technology and Business at no charge received a curriculum "Stilon - clothing industry "Y".

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