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The rules of business in the sphere of subsoil are changing in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstani system of subsoil use will be regulated by the Australian method, stated the Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev at a briefing at the office of the Service of Central Communications.

He noted that "the new law was prepared with the use of the Australian system, it was adopted only as a part of the pilot. The new document aims at "radical reduction of administrative barriers and licensing procedures, reducing the contract time of subsoil use".

"What is the Australian model? The entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be divided into blocks, obtaining subsoil use rights for the individual blocks will take only 25 days. It will be a serious oversimplification. Five years ago, it took several years", - said the minister.

According to Issekeshev, "the size of one block is 2 square kilometers, with a rental rate of $ 1,000 for the block".

"If the previous legislation allowed the subsoil user to take a large enough area to explore and only in specific areas, freezing the rest of the territory, now the rules are changing", - said Asset Issekeshev.

"Now you can take only specific blocks, and pay the rental fee to the state for each block and to ensure commitment to receipt of investments on this block", - added the minister.

Asset Issekeshev assured that the benefits are obvious in this case. At one large area will work several investors, they will be able to start quickly. The state will benefit it, getting a quick return in the budget and new jobs.

"Now it is not profitable to keep large areas of land for years, because you have to pay an annual rent for each unit ", - concluded the Minister for Investment and Development.

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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