
Bus scandal: one soldier in the field

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Contesting information about problems in the field of passenger transportation, bus fleets of Astana will start servicing routes, seized from "Temir Tulpar NT"

"According to our information, bus fleets that made announcement to the media yesterday, are the winners of these routes (withdrawn from the bus fleet "Temir Tulpar NT")", - said the director of the department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Kazakhstan Oleg Savelenko . He noted that it is quite normal of bus fleets to protect their citizenship stance and their activities.

Savelenko said that a few months ago, the National Chamber received a petition from the bus fleet "Temir Tulpar HT", which alleged a violation of its rights and illegal withdrawal of routes. After that, Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs held a public monitoring, discovering evidence of misconduct on the part of Akimat. Then NCE appealed to the prosecutor’s office of the city of Astana and the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition. "Information about the illegitimacy of the termination of contracts with public transportation companies was confirmed. Prosecutor’s office issued an act of prosecutorial response, and demanded from the management of passenger traffic office to cancel the notification, as well as to renew civil relations with public transportation companies. Meanwhile, according to our knowledge, this has not been done, and on June 30, there was still held a tender on the sale of this route", - he said.

In addition, according to NCE, by the facts of violations detected, including the prosecutor's office of Astana, NCE also appealed to the Department of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption. "With regard to the consideration of appeals to the Committee for the Protection of Competition - this appeal was extended by the authorized state body due to lack of information. Questions of restriction of competition remain open", - he added.

Commenting on the trial of "Temir Tulpar HT", Savelenko noted that the bus fleet has all the necessary evidence base for the successful outcome of the case. "These are statements of the prosecutor’s office on illegal notification, judicial act, which suspends the termination of contracts. As far as we know, "Temir Tulpar NT" addressed to the Agency for Civil Service with a criminal case. Let us hope that the authorized state agencies will properly consider these issues and will take legal decisions", - he concluded.

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