
"Temir Tulpar NT" has supporters

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The Union of auto transport companies demands to oblige Akimat to fulfill the requirements of the prosecutor's office and to return routes to the deprived bus fleet.

"Many entrepreneurs are anxiously waiting for the decision of this problem (we are talking about the situation with "Temir Tulpar NT "), as abnormal situations take place in other regions of the country. Litigation between public transport companies and local executive authorities takes place in Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent, Ust-Kamenogorsk", - said General Director of Union Sabit Amanbaev.

Amanbaev gave several examples, some of which were covered by media. "The association, representing the interests of private transport companies of Almaty city asks from administration (based on the requirements of the law on road transport and decision of Maslikhat of Almaty) compensation of costs for transportation of passenger with benefits. The problem has not found its decision in 2011, it is now the subject of consideration by the Interdistrict Economic Court of the city ", - he said.

The head of the union announcd the audit data, according to which the fleets of Almaty in 2013 suffered losses in the amount of 587 million tenge. As a result, wear and tear of the park increases, traffic safety suffers and deteriorates the culture of servicing the population.

"In Karaganda, instead of solving the problems of entrepreneurs-transport companies, Akimat aggravates them, allowing the operation of a second competing dispatching service, refusing to subsidize the losses of transport companies and at the same time, plans to establish a municipal park. In Shymkent, the winner of the tender - bus company is not allowed to begin work on the route. In Ust-Kamenogorsk LLC "Ulba trans" was pushed into bankruptcy” - added Amanbaev.

He believes that all of these negative facts of interaction of transport companies with local executive bodies show "the crisis of the regulatory framework, governing the activities of entrepreneurs in the auto transport industry". "There is a conflict in the law, the lack of uniform interpretation of the rules by market entities and local executive bodies, non-executable or inoperative regulations continue to infringe the interests of business and prevent the organization of passenger bus services at the proper level", - said the head of the union.

Amanbaev said that the Union of auto transport companies considers it is necessary to encourage the Office of road transport and highways of Astana to the unquestioning execution of orders, requirements of the supervisory authority. In addition, he noted that it is necessary to attract Presidential Administration to the problem by writing a letter. He also suggested that the Government develops and adopts a binding regulation for the regions and cities of the country "On the common requirements for the organization of passenger bus services". Head of the Union believes that this provision should provide for the establishment of a separate department (division) of road transport (by example of Almaty) in each region; facilitation of the organization of associations of auto transport companies (where there are none); organization of a unified dispatcher service; establishment of a commission to subsidize the losses of auto transport companies; the order of conclusion of contracts on compulsory subsidies and service routes.

In addition, according to Amanbaeva, the new norm must stipulate a ban on the creation of quasi-public, municipal bus fleets. "Their existence originally creates conflict of interests between local executive bodies and entrepreneurs, which we see in Astana and Almaty, as a result of which, a passenger suffers in the first place", - he added.

"Actually we should look closer at the operation of the municipal (essentially public) bus fleets. It has been 25 years since Kazakhstan has decided to follow the path of building a market economy. Define the principles of non-interference of the state in the areas of the economy, which represents the business", - said the head of the union.

He recalled that according to the requirements of the law "On the state enterprise" the existence of state-owned companies and subsidiaries is permitted only under the following conditions: the lack of other possibilities to ensure  national security; use and maintenance of strategic facilities, which are owned by the state; execution of activities in the fields, ascribed to the state monopoly; the lack of the relevant commodity market and private enterprise, etc. "The existence of municipal bus fleets does not match any of the above requirements and, therefore, to ensure the development of competition, the alliance considers it necessary to privatize all enterprises of passenger transport",  - concluded Amanbaev.

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