
"Temir Tulpar NT" case is far from being over

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"This issue can be closed only upon receipt of appropriate responses from the authorized government agencies - the Department of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of Astana and the Committee on the Protection of Competition. We still have not received replies", - said the director of the department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Oleg Savelenko.

He stressed that the National Chamber continues to work on the public monitoring in the field of passenger transport.

"Now we collect information from all regions. We already have interim information. We will announce it at the next Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs", - said Oleg Savelenko.

Deputy Director of LLP "Temir Tulpar NT" Zhomart Moldakhmetov commented on the situation. He said that the bus fleet is still not making profit.

"On July 17, the Department gave us back the route #38 for servicing and yesterday we received the route #2. That is, they began to compromise. They sent us a request to collect the claim. Certainly, we decided to settle the matter. Of course, they did not return us 3 routes. We were given 2 more or less normal routes, but not like ours. At least we will be able to pay off our loans - the most important thing for us", - he said.

The representative of "Temir Tulpar NT" noted that the Department has promised to continue to provide help to the disadvantaged fleet. "Literally, it said:" We will think what can we do, we'll find you some work", - said Zh. Moldakhmetov.

Recall that NCE "Atameken" addressed to the prosecutor’s office  of the city of Astana, the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition, as well as the Department of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption.

The prosecutor's office confirmed the illegitimacy of the termination of contracts with the bus fleet and demanded that the Department of passenger services must resume civil relations with "Temir Tulpar NT". However, on June 30 was held a tender and the routes in question were transferred to other bus fleets. The review of the application by the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition extended due to lack of information.

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