
Ablay Myrzakhmetov "Romantic period of our relationship with the state apparatus is over"

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The National Chamber of entrepreneurs shifts to an active offensive position in the fight for the interests of the business community

This was stated by the chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov in Almaty at the informal meeting with journalists and bloggers. According to him, the Chamber gained sufficient bargaining power, and today it is so far the only organization, which is able to oppose the Government. Senior management of NCE managed to build a system of relations with the government, based on partnership and mutual consultations.

However, according to the head of the Chamber, there is a danger of NCE’s gradual plunge into the mainstream of bureaucratic relations, and transforming the organization into an appendage of the state mechanism. Managers of the Chamber take part in almost all meetings of the Government and its agencies, the document flow between the executive authorities and NCE has increased.

"The most important thing - we should always remember that we are the client organization, and should always varify agenda of our customers (referring to the business community). But it does not always, and in most cases does not always coincide with what the appropriate state agencies do" - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. - "It is clear that we have reached a certain level: we have signed agreements with all relevant government agencies and development institutions, we have created some working groups, we have built some contacts ... we started to communicate with them regarding the agenda.. . But it turned out that we are not on equal conditions, and they dictate their agenda".

The Chamber received the status of an organization that negotiates on equal terms with the Government. But we should go further along the path of effective representation of the interests of entrepreneurs.

"Our task at the first stage was to build bargaining power, the ability to influence government decision-making process. This is primary interest of business ... And we can say that we have solved this problem. Another question - the degree of influence of this bargaining power", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The Chamber in its cooperation with the Government and quasi-structures constantly stumbles over the "glass ceiling." So, for the past one and a half year, the content of memorandum with "Samruk-Kazyna" on joint work for improvement of the public procurement system was not filled with concrete actions.

"We have come to a certain point where we are told clearly: " Guys, stop!". We offered to put the tender documentation on our website – so that a wide range of entrepreneurs could examine it. It is known that the technical specifications as a rule are "adjusted" under a particular vendor ... Public discussion would help to identify the problem. But we still cannot find an agreement on this issue with the "Samruk-Kazyna", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

In this regard, the Chamber has decided to open a new direction in their activities, leading a public campaign "Business against corruption". The independent expert (more commonly known as a wide range of readers, Dan Sterling) - Denis Krivosheev was  invited as a freelance advisor to assist NCE with this work. The Chamber is ready to unite all healthy forces of society in the fight against this challenge, bearing a danger to society and putting in jeopardy the reform, carried out by the Head of the State.

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