
Yes to Urban Planning Code!

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NEM has supported the initiative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" on development of a codified act for builders

Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan supported the proposal of NCE, the consolidated position of the construction community of Kazakhstan, the need for codified Act on Construction and Urban Planning, noting that the matter requires the study of international experience.

In August this year, the National Chamber sent a letter to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the initiative to develop an industry code and, accordingly, on the need to introduce the relevant additions in the currently developed draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the conceptual plan of lawmaking activities for the years 2017-2021".

As it is known, NCE has established created n the basis of the Association of Construction Companies of Kazakhstan a working group to develop "uniform standard construction rules" in order to streamline the clearance procedures for the development and issuance of initial permits in the construction sector.

The working group included representatives of NCE, the Committee for Construction, Housing and Land Management of NEM Kazakhstan, local government offices and construction companies.

The working group noted numerous cases of fragmented legislation standards. Existing sectoral legislation and, in particular, the Law "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities" cannot be considered as an act of direct action, since its implementation is related to hundreds of regulations. This leads to inconsistencies in enforcement practice and becomes an insurmountable obstacle in understanding of legislation, both for citizens and for investors. Fundamental improvement of the legislation requires the revision of the key principles and approaches of the applicable law.

Thus, NCE  and the authorized state body in the construction sector have expressed a common opinion on the feasibility and relevance of drafting the Urban Development Code of RK.

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