
Accused on no grounds!

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The entrepreneur from Karaganda demands an objective investigation of the circumstances of the tragedy at Kokpekty

Businessman of the Karaganda region, Vladimir Kryuchkov, appealed to the public to bring to the notice of the President of Kazakhstan the need to hold an biased investigation. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and activists of the movement "Business against corruption!" support this call.

Eighteen months ago, at night on March 31, an abnormal flood literally swept away the village Kokpekty: 300 houses were damaged, 300 heads of cattle were killed, and the worst thing is that five villagers got drowned. The level of melt water rose to a height of two meters, and stood for a few hours. According to experts, hydraulic engineers from Almaty and St. Petersburg, a breakthrough of Kokpekti dam was inevitable because of its emergency condition. But Kryuchkov was not the owner of the dam, but only a tenant of the pond ....

In 2005, Vladimir Kryuchkov rented the reservoir to build a green recreation area for local people and fish farming. Pilot project intended the construction of infrastructure facilities only for fishing. The businessman didn’t do any other works as he is not the master of the territory.

During the nine years up to the time of the tragedy, Vladimir Kryuchkov, sent more than 60 official letters to different authorities, informing them about the threat of a possible accident. The dam was worn out and required major repairs. On his own and at his own expenses, Kryuchkov regularly strengthened the foundation of the dam by sand and rubble. However, there was no reaction to his repeated requests neither of the owners of the area nor of the local executive bodies.

When the water started to raise, the experts of Kryuchkov excavated a tunnel in the dyke lock - well on their own for their money, without waiting for the emergency situations authority. Later the experts found that these actions have helped to keep arriving melt water for two hours, which enabled local authorities to evacuate people. However, human casualties could not be avoided.

Today Kryuchkov faces seven years in prison. He was charged with "violation of safety rules during mining or construction works that caused human casualties" which he ... did not do! Only because he doesn’t have a right to make any changes to the design of the dam. Long before the disaster the owner of the dam was LLP Agro company “Shanyrak”.

But almost immediately after the tragedy it became clear that during the transfer of hydraulic engineering station to the balance of the enterprise have been overlooked some legal aspects, and it allowed the enterprise to escape from liability "retroactively". Now they all seem to have no relation to the dam.

At the press conference there was information that the owners of that company are members of the family of one of the deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament. He denies his involvement in the company. The guilty ones now are: Vladimir Kryuchkov, akim of the village and a specialist of the emergency department of Bukhar-Zhyrau district.

The businessman did not agree with the accusations! He noted that during the investigation were grossly violated all the rules of law. So, in addition to the seizure of the accounts of the company, which entered into an agreement for the lease of the dam, for unknown reasons were arrested accounts and assets of the LLP "Santechprom". The activities of the two companies are not affiliated, although Kryuchkov is a founder of both companies.

The entrepreneur sees this as an attempt to raider attack in a legitimate form. His opinion is shared by a public figure, a freelance adviser to the Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" Denis Krivosheev.

Today, Vladimir Kryuchkov, puts the last effort to try to keep the performance of his own companies, which was undermined by the actions of prosecutor’s office, and does everything to retain 350 employees.

By signing a letter to the Head of State, the experts "Atameken" and human rights activists "Business against corruption" declared that the actions of the Karaganda regional prosecutor's office are against the law, the policy pursued by the President and denigrate the legal system of the country as a whole. The representatives of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs intend to pursue a fair review of the case, with the requirement to find the true perpetrators of Kokpekty tragedy and to take all steps to prevent such legal conflicts in the future.

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