
NCE offers not to rush the installation of metering devices at petroleum depots

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There was held the 13th meeting of the Committee on Oil and Gas Industry of NCE RK "Atameken", chaired by a member of the Presidium of NCE RK Daniyar Abulgazin.

One of the issues - installation of control meters at petroleum depots in 2016.

In this regard, NCE RK "Atameken" intends to apply to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a proposal to repeal or to extend the period of installation. According to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, mandatory installation and maintenance of control metering devices requires significant capital costs and long time. The high requirements to metering devices in practice do not have a proper application.

They believe at NCE, at the present time, such works will create an additional burden on this segment of business, with unconfirmed effect for the state in the field of control and monitoring of the oil market. It should be noted that the rules for setting metering devices were approved in June of this year, that is four years after the adoption of the Law "On state regulation of production and turnover of certain types of petroleum products". Thus, oil depots and oil refineries in the semi-annual period should go through the whole installation process, including the development of the working project, which, in turn, must pass the state examination, as the assets are high risk; selection of contractors, construction and installation works, the development and installation of software.

A serious concern, the fact that this work should be carried out before the end of the year at the same time almost all the petroleum depots in the country, the total number reaches 350. This situation may seriously affect the supply of the internal market with all kinds of petroleum products. The legislation provides for tougher sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the above requirements of the Regulations. Thus, according to the Code of Administrative Offences, oil depots and oil refineries will incur heavy fines up to confiscation of petroleum products. In this situation, the question of termination of activities of petroleum depots and oil refineries.

At the meeting were also discussed the problematic issues of the Law of Kazakhstan "On Transfer Pricing".

According to the results of the meeting the Committee recommended to the oil and gas industry to establish a working group under NCE RK "Atameken" with participation of representatives of the tax authorities and companies exporting oil for discussion and inclusion in the method of pricing criteria for calculating the price of export routes, taking into account application of documents confirming differential. It is planned that the working group will prepare proposals to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for use by all market participants a uniform methodology in order to avoid risks related to taxation.

They also talked about the preparation of the list of occupations in the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan, developed by KAZENERGY Association for the purpose of systematization and structuring of specialized professions in the oil and gas industry of the main groups and sub-groups of professional activity. Relevant ministries recommended the use of the list when updating the contents of a single tariff-qualification directory of professions in oil and gas industry, as well as in the development of professional standards for the oil and gas industry.

In addition, at the meeting it was decided to attract ALE “Union of service companies of Kazakhstan” for the implementation of certain functions of NCE in oilfield services.

In addition, participants of the meeting discussed preparations for the upcoming Xth Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY, the National Energy Report planned to release and Concept of the Common Eurasian markets for oil, gas and petroleum products.

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