
Arbitration Chamber will be created in Kazakhstan

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Center for arbitration and arbitration proceedings under NCE RK "Atameken" drafts a Comprehensive Development Plan

This was announced at a meeting of the Governing Council of the CAAP the Secretary General of the Center for arbitration and arbitration proceedings under NCE RK Zhumabay Shamshiev.

As it is known, currently the Mazhilis is considering a draft Law "On arbitration", which provides for the introduction of a new institution - the Arbitration Chamber of Kazakhstan.

This body is created in order to provide a favorable legal, economic and social conditions for the implementation of the activities of arbitration in Kazakhstan.

In this regard, the Ministry of Justice together with the NCE and other relevant bodies take part in the establishment of the Arbitration Chamber, the organization of the first constituent congress, the financing, the development of constituent documents, conducting explanatory work among the general public on the new instruments for amicable settlement of disputes. According to D. Shamshiev, all of the above activities will be included in the draft Comprehensive Development Plan of the CAAP.

"In order to improve arbitrage activities it is planned to do complex scientific and practical measures for the Study of the arbitration activity (domestic and foreign experience). Based on the results of the study, NCE leadership will get proposals of fundamental nature. It is also proposed to review the quality of arbitrators and to improve their skills through training courses, there will be developed a package of enabling conditions for experienced professionals as arbitrators of CAAP", - said the secretary general of the Center for arbitration and arbitration proceedings NCE RK Zhumabay Shamshiev.

According to him, CAAP will also participate in the working groups and the preparation of opinions on draft legislation related to the activities of the arbitration, the development of the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators.


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