
NCE encourages companies of engineering industry to take colleges under their patronage

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The issue of staffing of the engineering industry was discussed at the III Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan

Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev, speaking at a panel session of the forum, said that the Engineering Union of Kazakhstan was one of the first to announce the problem of mismatch of knowledge obtained by students in colleges of the country and the real requirements of the market.

"Each of us is familiar with a situation when even minor modernization requires a long process of training and even the search for new ones abroad. One reason for this dissonance is weak interagency cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other interested parties. (...) There is no regular and continuous cooperation and dialogue between the labor market and education authorities. Participation and involvement of employers is fragmented at all levels of the VET system ", - he said.

Altaev said that during the last inspection of the Accounts Committee, it was revealed that the Ministry of Education and Science inefficiently absorb funds earmarked for the development of science in the country. "If I am not mistaken, we are talking about 90 billion tenge. We believe that there is a lot of work to do, including the Engineering Union. We must join forces and direct the funds, which are spent on science, in the first place, on decision of our technical and technological issues", - he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Chamber added that it is necessary to direct the funding into the mainstream of the development of the real economy, "then we can talk about the forced industrialization". "The Chamber will be your provider in this regard, we are ready to put these tasks for the science", - he addressed to businesses.

"National Chamber of Entrepreneurs calls for the companies of the engineering industry to take colleges in trust management. This is the only way companies can effectively influence the process of training for their own benefit. NCE is ready to provide full support in cooperation with MES. (...) NCE together with the Engineering Union are ready to consider colleges that interest you once again, and on the basis of these colleges prepare professionals for you. We are ready to work on this issue with the Ministry of Education and relevant Akimats, so that these colleges were placed under the patronage of your business", - said Altaev.

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