
"No" – need to go to a notary public?

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NCE has submitted to the Parliament amendments to the law on the abolition of requirements for notarization of documents

As of now it is sufficient to provide a copy of the document with the provision of the original for verification, except for the cases of provision of pension and social security services.

At present, the provision of public services in the majority of cases requires provision of copies of notarized documents.

All this creates a significant burden, both for physical and legal entities, given the high cost of services of notary publics.

In 2014, at the initiative of NCE "Atameken" were introduced amendments to some legislative acts regarding the abolition of the rules on the provision of notarized copies of constituent documents, as well as a number of regulations.

To permanently resolve this problem, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" held the integration of relevant requirements in the sectoral law - the Law "On public services."

So, on the initiative of  NCE these amendments are included in the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the provision of public services" (the draft law adopted by the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is being considered currently by the Senate). After the adoption of the law to ensure uniform application of the rules, NCE will be make amendments to the by-laws, requiring provision of notarized copies of documents (standards and regulations of public services, the various rules, etc.).

So, when receiving public services, it will be sufficient to provide a simple copy of the document with the provision of the original for verification, except for the provision of services in the field of pensions and social security. This limitation is due to the protection of individuals from fraud.

Abolition of notarization of documents will help businesses to reduce costs.

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